3 III 2017: The Spin Goes On

So Kellyanne Tweeted that she hoped that it was not true that Rep. Wasserman Schultz did not stand up during the ‘ovation’ for a Gold Star Widow at the State of the Union address. Then Wasserman Schultz provided a videotape that shows her standing. But now a website called RedState shows a second video “that clearly shows that they [Reps Wasserman Schultz and Ellison] must have sat down long before the rest of those present for the speech,” and finds that “Neither video seems to show the pair of democrats applauding.” So, though Wasserman Schultz did stand, she didn’t really clap her hands, and then sat down again too soon. Does this mean that she gets a low score on the enthusiasm meter, that though American, she is not American enough? Before jumping to conclusions, let’s consider an alternative explanation: Maybe she realized how hollow and insincere a spectacle was being presented.