13 VI 2017: New challenge in moral theology

The testimony of Director of Nat’l Intelligence (oxymoron?) Dan Coats, NSA Director Mike Rogers, and Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III require a more sophisticated definition of lying than centuries of the study of moral theology have provided.

8 VI 2017: Who you gonna believe?

Trump has denied some important charges in Mr. Comey’s testimony, and, as predicted, the case is now one of “he said” vs. “no I did not.” So it comes down to credibility. Which one can be trusted to tell the truth?

5 VI 2017: Reading skills challenged

Trump has again tweeted his wrong-headed criticism of the Lord Mayor of London. Clearly Trump mixed up or deliberately blurred the difference between two different parts of the text. Here we see his attention deficit disorder, disinclination to read, and anti-muslim bigotry all at work in two tweets.

1 VI 2017, 12:30 CDT: The Baby Monarch

Well, according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch and almost all other news sources, the world is on edge waiting for Narcissus to reveal his decision on American participation in the Paris accords. Will he pull us out of the Paris agreements or will he succumb to the beneficent influence of Ivanka (his daughter!) and allow us some token membership?

My, how Donald must be enjoying this? The media are hovering like helicopter parents over Baby to see whether he will eat his ground peas or pitch another tantrum and throw them on the floor. What he will do does not really matter, for Baby is once again the focus of breathless attention.

Are we all crazy?

My prediction is that Trump will pull America out of the Paris accords as another step towards making America First among rogue nations.

30 V 2017: Lawyered up!

So Humpty Trumpty is deploying Michael Cohen, his ‘personal lawyer,’ as his mouthpiece. Cohen comes from the same disreputable background as Trump, so Trumpy will have a lawyer to whom he can really open up without embarrassment.

It’s getting to look a lot like Watergate … The United States will have to go through another extended water torture through investigation by leaks. Trumpy will turn over no documents, even if they had not already been destroyed. Why can’t he be a man and a patriot and disclose everything so that we can get past this a.s.a.p.? For the big difference between this and Watergate is that Nixon was an almost competent president, something Trump could never pretend to be.

27 V 2017: Another Trumpite Attack

2 fatally stabbed on Oregon train after trying to stop man’s anti-Muslim rants, police say

Another member of President Trump’s base has made the news in Oregon by killing two and wounding a third. Eternal rest to the two murdered citizens and a rapid recovery to the third. Pride in these three mitigates the bitter shame caused the U.S.A. by the misbegotten Jeremy Joseph Christian.

26 V 2017: Homeland Security??

“Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Friday that the American public would ‘never leave the house’ if they knew what he knew about terrorist threats. … It’s everywhere. It’s constant. It’s nonstop,’ he said of the terror threat.”

These words are from a report about a statement by the Director of Homeland Security on Fox News [sic]. Now neither the venue nor the speaker make this particularly credible to me, but I was struck by how applicable this could be to gun violence in the U.S.A., where some people actually “never leave the house” because of shootings in their neighborhoods. And yes, gun violence is everywhere, constant, non-stop, yet the establishment and the American people would rather get worked up by hypothetical terrorism when we have actual terrorism raging all unchecked in our midst.

14 V 2017: News from Liberty (?) University (?)

Donald Trump delivered the commencement address at Liberty [sic] University [sic]. Jerry Falwell Jr. has declared that Trump’s speech at Liberty U. was the best commencement speech given at Liberty U. and is going to go down in history as one of the best commencement speeches ever. Mr. Falwell statement could be partially true in that Trump’s speech may well have been the best commencement address in the history of Liberty University. But, though the speech will go down in history, it will not be remembered as Falwell suggests.

13 V 2017: Comey the new Fegelein?

Trump wanted Comey to pledge his loyalty – not to the Constitution, but to Trump himself. This is redolent of the personal oath to the Führer that the German military had to take during the Nazizeit. There is an additional mime in Trump’s vilification of Comey, for it makes me think of episodes on hitlerrantsparodies.com when Hitler denounces “Fegelein, Fegelein, Fegelein!”