14 VIII 2017: Platitudes can’t prove he’s not a Nazi

Trump will have to come up with more than the placebos and platitudes of his two statements about Charlottesville to show he is not a Nazi. The first statement was worse than none, and the second statement was just boiler plate. I believe that he made his declaration with tongue in cheek. He was reciting formulae and platitudes so banal as to cause no problem for the alt-right, leaving them to believe that “Trumpy had to say something out of Sunday school so as to calm the squeamish, but we know he’s still on our side.”

What could Trump do to make his denunciation of racism and violence credible? He could clear his own house of crypto-Nazis. He could get rid of Steve Bannon, his Ernst Roehm, and Bannon’s minion, Sebastian Gorka, and get rid of Stephen Miller, the Joseph Goebbels of the Trump Whitehouse.

If Trump would rid himself of these and other deplorables his declaration might become credible.


9 VIII 2017: “Fire and fury …”

People seem unable to find a model for Trumpy’s new slogan, “Fire and fury,” and conclude he came up with it on his own. My take may be far-fetched, but I am reminded of “sound and fury, signifying nothing,” and Shakespeare used this phrase to describe “a tale told by an idiot.” But what if the President of the U.S. is an idiot?

24 VII 2017: Sons of the Old South

Two sons of the Old South clearly regard the pistol/penis as the solver of problems and key to success. It’s reported that Rep. Blake (“The Fatted Calf”) Farenthold of Texas blames female senators from the Northeast for the repeal/replace fiasco. He is so frustrated because “If it was a guy from south Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”

Then Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama is using bits from the footage of the shooting at the Congressional Baseball practice to parade his enthusiasm for the Second Amendment,” the lead-in on the campaign ad reading: “A Bernie Sanders supporter fires on Republican Congressmen.”

What do you suppose is the IQ of these boneheads and what do they think is the IQ of their constituents??

17 VII 2017: Ann Coulter, that vamp can vent!

I read that Ann Coulter, the dominatrix of the far-right vaudeville circuit, has been waging a twitter war with Delta Airlines. I suppose she figures that if it works for Trumpy, it can work for her. She denounces what she calls Delta’s fascist behavior, and we can be sure she knows what she is talking about. I was struck by Ms Coulter’s repeated use of the vulgarism “to suck” and impressed by her daring neologism “suckingest.” She laments her loss not only of the $30 fee she paid for her seat, but of $10,000 worth of her time. Well, she can get $30 back from Delta, and she is getting her $10,000 back in the notoriety that this silliness generates.

17 VI 2017: Gypsy Rose Trump

It occurs to me that Mr. Trump’s game is really striptease. He doesn’t come clean about anything, but holds everyone’s attention by coy hints and partial disclosures, stripping off now his gloves, now his nylons and throwing his tweets to the audience, to feed vain hopes of some complete and truthful disclosure to come. It is a waste of time waiting for him to behave honestly, for that is contrary to his beliefs.

Mouth-of-Newt is back in the news today, claiming that “the King can do no wrong.” Why won’t the mainstream media ignore Newt also, and leave it to Fox Schmooze to transmit his wisdom to his intended audience?

15 VI 2017: Mouth of Newt

Newt Gingrich, like the weed in the crack in the concrete that keeps popping up, is mounting a Twitter campaign against the Special Counsel. I suppose the Archtwitterer of Washington is mobilizing all his acolytes, even the notorious ones. Newt is getting too old for this and should settle in with Mrs. Newt III at the Vatican and carry her purse around.

15 VI 2017: Another gas attack from Rep. Steve King

Well, some more stinking gas has bubbled up from the congressional sewer as Rep. Steve King is seeking to maintain his lock on the idiot vote back home in Iowa. He has stretched the old reflex response “Whatever it is, blame Obama” to apply to the recent shooting in D.C. If thoughtfulness and common sense were among the criteria for participation in the American democracy, this dimwitted son of Iowa would not be allowed to vote, let alone serve in Congress.

14 VI 2017: Don’t forget your gun when you go to baseball practice.

The injuries suffered by legislators and others at the baseball practice shooting could have been prevented if the members of Congress were armed and could plug the shooter right away (assuming that they could hit him on the first shot and not shoot a bystander). This would not be a problem in some states of the Regressive South where legislators can pack a gun.

I wrote the above in a spirit of sarcasm and irony in implying a comparison between legislators in the South and our Congress. Later I read the following on CNN:

“Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk, a Republican from Georgia who was on the field when the shooting happened, suggested that members of Congress should be allowed to carry guns.”