The Post Dispatch describes recent conflicts in downtown Saint Louis: “The protests are the latest sparked by a not-guilty verdict in the murder trial of former St. Louis patrolman Jason Stockley ….” Now Stockley shot Mr. Smith in 2011. Were demonstrations sparked in 2011? I don’t know. None are mentioned in current reporting. Anyway, a righteous indignation seems to have been ignited by the announcement of the acquittal of Jason Stockley three weeks ago. Protests were sparked then, but now some seem to be blowing on the coals to keep the fire alight. Why?
30 IX 2017: From the fourth chapter of the book of Daniel:
King Nebuchadnesar made an image of gold … He set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. … And the herald proclaimed aloud, “You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages, that when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, bagpipe, and every kind of music, you are to fall down and worship the golden image that King Nabuchadnezar has set up, and whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be ase into a burning fiery furnace.
Can we not see this in our times?
Our own Nebuchadnesar has set up the flag which he has usurped as an idol to be adored, and the national anthem as the music at which everyone must must now stand up and worship. Those who fail to do so will be branded “unpatriotic,” “ungrateful” and “Sons of bitches.”
29 IX 2017: Sixties Re-enactors in Saint Louis
Read in the Saint Louis Post Disaptch about a so-called “town hall meeting” called by such broadly based groups as the Saint Louis Action Council, ArchCity Defenders. and Organization for Black Struggle. The were very upset that Mayor Krewson did not attend. Good for her! They only invited her to abuse her and shout her down. No, they can call this a “town hall meeting” if they like, but this was not a community event.
They flashed on a screen, the report says, a list of twelve demands. This reminds me of the sixties when students played at being political and used to issue lists of “non-negotiable demands.” But I’m sure this is only the beginning. Mayor Krewson could fire the Chief, resign herself and it would make no difference at all. The current “unrest” in Saint Louis is being stage managed by a group of young black political aspirants. So they will compete by upping the demands.
I have to wonder whether civil disobedience figures in the thinking of the agitators and the agitated. They go into ecstasies of rage when there are arrests at their “disruptions.” But do they think they can engage in civil disobedience without breaking the law? And do they think they, and not others, should be allowed to break the law with impunity? I think they do. But the rule of law is the rule of law, and it should apply both to the police and to the disrupters.
29 IX 2017: Complicity in idiocy.
I saw a headline yesterday evening: “House Republicans propose $10 billion for Trump’s border wall.” Now estimates that I have seen predict that a wall would cost 15-25 billion dollars to build the wall, and that the wall, once built, would cost 750 miliion per year to maintain. $10 billion would be a mere down-payment.
But the House republicans’ proposal makes me wonder: If they think have $10 billion to piss away on the wall of Trump’s dreams, could they not redirect that $10 billion to healthcare or to education? They could, but, of course, they never would.
But I believe the Wall will never be built. Trumpy and the swindlers in the House do not really intend to build a wall. Most of them (not all by any means) are not that stupid and would never waste so much money (when they could give it to their rich friends). No, the whole Wall business is a drama they’ve been running to appeal to sub-rational and bigoted voters. There are a lot of them, and the Wall has real appeal. What will they do when Trumpy & Co. tell them that they were only kidding? How much time, energy, false hope, and rancor will have been wasted on this fantasy by then?
28 IX 2017: So liars get a pass…
Today I read a report of the involvement (I suppose we can’t call it collaboration) of Facebook and Twitter in Russian attempts to destabilize the U.S.A. Of course Twitter, like so many of its clients, is trying to evade responsibility for the content of twitters. The article quoted an expert’s opinion that “Twitter functions more like a broadcast network. People say things and everyone can hear it. When false informaltion is stated, people can jump on false statements and challenge it.” Note that she said “false statements,” not mistaken statements, and “false statements” are very often the malicious and are the same as LIES. And I must ask: does no one bear responsibility for creating and spreading lies? Broadcast networks can be held to some extent accountable for creating and/or spreading lies, though Fox and the limbaughs get away with a great deal. But twitters, with their option for anonymity can spread lies with no adverse consequence to the liars. This anonymity is the mask behind which internet trolls lurk, along with Russian agents and anyone else up to mischief. I do not know how we can go on if liars cannot be detected and face no adverse consequences. The blessings of democracy are too often used to subvert it. We have pushed “freedom of speech” beyond any reasonable limit and opened a way for the sick and the malicious.
24 IX 2017: Podex maximus?
I saw in a news report that footballer Sean McCoy has given voice to the feelings and pereption of most of the nation when he tweeted: “It’s really sad man … our president is an assh-e.” He might have made his observation more palatable to Trumpy by saying that “our president is the biggest asshole.” But of course such a term is not fitting to the dignity of Trump’s office. So let’s fall back on Latin and call him “Podex maximus.”
Doesn’t Trump remind you of Nero?
23 IX 2017: The dotard on the campaign trail: God, Flag and Football
Trumpy is down in “the great state of Alabama,” as George Wallace used to call it. He is campaigning for one of the tweedle-dum/tweedle-dee misfits running there for the U.S. Senate. Of course, he cannot limit himself to this silliness, but has to air his opinions like so much dirty laundry while he makes his pitch.
He wants the football barons to fire any player who fails to ‘respect the flag.’
I hate this flag cult – it is as morbidly sentimental and mindless as Cohan’s “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” Of course, pseudo-patriots like Trump can’t stop mentioning the flag, and are keen to burn any flag-burners, but they say nothing when the flag is degraded and insulted by its use in commerce, sports, and other unsuitable venues. Some years ago I was out walking near the Univ. of Notre Dame a couple of blocks away from where during the week earlier there had been a big used car sale on the campus. I saw something colorful being blown across the dust of the road, and found that it was one of the small U.S. flags used to decorate the tent at the used-car sale. A silly slice of life, but it made a profound impression on me.
Trumpy also wants to bring good old extreme violence back to football. Well of course! His favorite sport is professional wrestling. Everybody knows that though the wrestlers bash and gash and slam each other, no one is really hurt. Right? And Trumpy assumes that football is just the same. Come on, they’re not really hurt that bad!! I suppose Fox Schmooz does not report the very alarming discoveries of brain damage to football players.
The proven causal connection of football to brain damage is already seen as a potential threat to the multi-billion dollars industry of the NFL. Just wait until it becomes an issue in the colleges and universities that also exploit players and derive so much of their revenue from football. And when it filters down to the high school level, the fat will really be in the fire. We will see outrage, anger, and denial, denial, denial. Parents, grandparents, and whole communities and states find much of their identity in games played by teen-age boys with a football. A criticism of sacred football is, in fact, far worse than any “disrespect for the flag.”
22 IX 2017: Getting fat on homophobia
Allow me to correct myself. In a recent post I spoke of “agitators public and private who live for homophobia.” On reflection, I believe I should have written “who live BY homophobia.” You see, many who are made frantic by Fr. Martin are afraid of gays (“homophobia,” strictly speaking) and, consequently, they hate gays. They have been manipulated into this by the centuries-old tradition of anti-gay rhetoric. Now this rhetoric is the work of people who live by homophobia. Politicians seek the votes of the simple and frightened (“Lions tigers and gay marriage, O my! Lions and tigers and gay marriage, O my!”). Moreover, backroom webmasters, TV reverends, and reactionaries of all kinds unite in exploiting this homophobia to conjure up political and financial support for their latest whims, crusades, and scams. Pity those who live in homophobia; shame on those who live by homophobia.
21 IX 2017: Who left the door open at the White House?
Someone left a door open at the White House and Trumpy got out. I saw a headline that said: “No other U.S. president has talked to the UN like this before.” There are good reasons for that! This embarrassment lately inflicted on our now notorious country is bad enough, but far worse is the peril that comes when a thoughtless big-mouth lets his emotions run riot on the internantional stage. Putin & Co. have achieved through this one election what decades of cold-war effort sought for in vain. The U.S. is now disabled, maybe even crippled.
19 IX 2017: Church Militant
So the Theological College across the road from Catholic University has withdrawn its invitation to Fr. James Martin to speak to its alumni. It seems this was done not in response to pressure from the bishops, but at the behest of agitators public and private who live for homophobia. Theological College has never been known for critical or independent thinking, but their caving in to losers (to use President Trump’s word) with homegrown websites and maniacs that shriek over the telephone suggests that T.C. has just about hit bottom. I looked up the “Church Militant” website and found it packed with 1950s re-runs of various kinds. Like Car Talk, they have a Shameless Commerce Division called STORE, and you can buy yourself a cool tee shirt there or a Church Militant coffee mug.