20 X 2018: The spics are coming! The spics are coming!

Figures in the Amerikan Nazi leadership are raising this cry, preparatory to the mid-term elections of course. Hordes of Hispanics swarming into the good old U.S.A. are going to take your job and change our WAY OF LIFE forever … as if our way of life were not changing constantly and permanently

You can get this sales pitch from Laura Ingraham who is competing with Ann Coulter for the Josef Goebbels Chair in Trumpworld. And, of course, you can hear the same blather from Trump himself and all the little Strumpettes in the Republican Congress and Fox News who echo his dire warnings.

What’s the problem with these Hispanics? Well, some of them are “hardened criminals,” and will take jobs away from our own hardened criminals. Many are seeking protection from illegal authoritarian regimes, and if they settle here they may question our own illegal authoritarian regime. Some of them smoke marijuana and we know what that leads to. But most of all, they are people of COLOR who produce LOTS OF CHILDREN, and if they get into this country, it won’t look like Kansas anymore.

17 X 2018: Back on the playground again

Trumpie has reverted to his playground self and labeled Stormy Daniels “horseface.”  The man is as lacking in wit as he is in decency. This is yet another manifestation of what a piece of childish white trash Trump is.

And now, he is in denial on behalf of the Saudi death squad. I suppose a man who has trained himself constantly and completely to ignore his own misdeeds can extend that courtesy to his bloody business partners.

16 X 2018: Angry Mob

Following the pseudo-President’s lead, Republicans and other reactionaries are now calling recent protesters “an angry, left-wing mob.” This is the new Trumpo-republican party line. Republican senators are being praised, and are praising themselves, as stalwarts who stood steady against mob violence and were unwavering in their support of Beer Keg Brett.

I would invite all whom the Republicans are attempting to frighten with talk of a “left-wing mob” to view some footage of the mobs at Trump’s “rallies” and then to view the portrayal in Triumph of the Will of the Nazi rally in Nuremberg in 1934.

What have Nuremberg Nazis in common with the Red Hats at a trump rally? Look and you will see.

We are not yet as advanced as the Nazis. The Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and firearm fanatics have not yet coalesced into anything so organized as Hitler’s SA. And ICE has not yet been turned into a new SS. But give Trump time.

8 X 2018: Trumpism’s certain goal

I was struck by two items from today’s internet reading. The first was an essay by Michael D’Antonio entitled “Trumpism is Winning.” If you’re feeling a bit buoyant, read this essay and it will bring you right down. The second piece was a report of the rape and murder of investigative journalist Victoria Malinova in Bulgaria. My linking these two items is idiosyncratic, I suppose, but it struck me that what happened to Ms Malinova is where we are heading under Trump and a militant male chauvinism. The Kavanaugh business has been a truth serum for Trump. In the course of it he has again and again and in more and more ways manifested his sniveling hatred for women. Someone should slap him silly. But no one even bothers to denounce him. Trumpian obscenities have become accepted, even embraced in our society and he is enabling and inviting the rest of the patriarchal cohort to crawl out of the shadows and come to the rally.

6 X 2018: Kavanaugh, Trump, Senate

So now we have a perjurer on the Supreme Court, a compulsive liar in the White House, and a gang of con-men in the Senate. I guess this is the Devil’s Triangle.

Trump was ready, I’m told, to pay Dr. Ford $160,000 for her silence, but since the senators are on a retainer there was no need for Trump’s money. So the taxpayers have been boofed and must pay the bill. This is enough to make me want to ralph. And the show is just beginning, as Trump rouses up the misogyny and expansive ignorance of his base, many of whom like beer too.

3 X 2018: Trump: his School for Liars and his MCP Party

A. Is Kavanaugh showing off what he has learned in Trump 101, namely: Lie whenever you can, about everything you can, to whomever you can, or is he simply following his own instincts? Nurture or nature??

B. At his latest “rally,” Trump’s abusive treatment of Dr. Ford revealed a lot about his wildly applauding base. Commentators talk about Trump’s having taken control of the Republican Party, and that is true enough. But his real party is the MCP, Male Chauvinist Pigs Party. Gynophobia and attendant misogyny, transcending age and class, are the ties that bind Trump’s disparate base together. Nor does this include his male followers alone, for the MCP Party has a large number of female members, some of them more frightened and angry than men.

1 X 2018: Kavanaugh another affluent punk

I don’t know whether Judge Kavanaugh was a member of a fraternity, but his attitude and demeanor are surely those of a filthy-rich, hyper-entitled, self-centered little frat boy. He has probably bluffed or bought himself out of any number of scrapes he doesn’t remember,  maintaining all the while the pretense of easy-going wholesomeness.