26 XI 2018: Secularizing our national calendar; A war we maybe could win

Well, Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, and so too, of course, has Black Friday. It seems to me that Black Friday is the most important feast of the American religion of Consumerism. America could create a liturgical calendar around Consumerism’s holy days: Start with Halloween followed by Black Friday; the next would be “The Holidays,” i.e., the month of December; then comes Superbowl Sunday, then Eggs and Bunnies DayMemorial DayMothers DayFathers DayJuly 4thLabor Day. Other feast days might be Newcar Day, the day the new models of automobiles are revealed, or Chic Week, the season of the fashion shows in Paris.

These are some possibilities that come immediately to mind. The point is that I think we should replace the residually Christian holidays of Christmas and Easter, with a series of secular holidays that better reflect who we are as a nation. The economic benefits of this plan are obvious, and tensions that arise from the original meaning of Christmas and Easter could be put to rest.

I’ve been reading about the battle at the U.S.-Mexican border between I.C.E., the U.S. Army and the unarmed migrants. This, finally, is a war we can win. Look at the resources we can bring to this conflict. We have our Wehrmacht, our SA (the Texas “militias”), and our SS (I.C.E.), concentration camps where children can be separated from their migrant parents by way of penalty, and we have additional sites to contain the migrants in America’s for-profit prisons and detention centers. I’m waiting for Trump to escalate the crisis and order our soldiery to open fire on the migrants in a repeat of the Boston Massacre. Trump is being inexorably forced into a corner, and the only way he can get out is to start a war.

24 IX 2018: Cindy Hyde-Smith, a ghost of the old Confederacy

It has been revealed that Sen. Cindy Hyde Smith received part of her education at a segregation academy, one of the hyper-christian private schools founded to perpetuate segregation. Now Sen. Hyde-Smith’s campaign regards this news as a conspiracy by the “gotcha liberal media.” I guess this is thought to be like the “gotcha questions” so feared by Sarah Palin and Donald Trump. The campaign also denounces publication of this news as “a new low.”

Now then, the information published did not come from a “gotcha question,” but from investigation of public-access records by the press. And to call publication of this information “a new low” — I guess Sen. Hyde-Smith’s campaign staff doesn’t know much about politics in the Old and New South.

Thanksgiving Day, 2018

Our S.O.B. (Sign of the Beast) President raves on and on, a demonically energetic and relentless bullshiter.

He smeared his Thanksgiving Call to the troops with his current batch of lies, and also proclaimed that he is grateful for HIS family and that HE has made a tremendous difference in the United States.

Please observe: These items are NOT NEWS and should NOT BE REPORTED – they are only additional instances of Trump’s compulsive self-praise and we’ve already seen quite enough of it to draw our own conclusions. Anyone would agree that Trump has made a tremendous difference in the United States, but if he were not a thoroughgoing bigot and amoral megalomaniac he would be doing penance in sackcloth and ashes for the difference he has made.

21 XI 2018 Anybody’s bitch

I read that Rep Tulsi Gabbard has described Trump as “Saudi Arabia’s bitch.” How very colorful, how very accurate! This pathlogically insecure man is offensive and cruel to the rest of the world, but he is eager to bend over for dictators, tyrants, and mass-murderers. We know of his on-going passion with Putin and his off-again, on-again flirtation with Kim Jong-un. And what might be the result if Bashar al-Assad and Trump were to meet? or if Trump and Aleksandr Lukashenko of Belarus were to spend some quality time together?

19 XI 2018: Boycott Trump

The Strumpets are trying to find another way to deny Acosta access to presidential press conferences. Denial of access would be no loss. What good does it do to question a person who constantly lies? Do the press really want to waste their time at Trump’s depressing vaudeville of self-aggrandizement, abuse and deceit? I believe the press should boycott Trump’s press conferences. I believe they should stop publishing his tweets. They should stop giving this charlatan a forum for his angry-drunk pronouncements.

16 IX 2018: Don’t ruin a young man’s future just because he…

Secretary for Education, Betsy DeVos, has revised Obama-era directives on the handling of allegations of sexual misconduct on university campus. The new rules make it more difficult for victims to make their case, restrict coverage of sexual offenses to the campus only, and generally make things much easier for amoral/immoral dudes who like beer, like it a lot, and abuse women. This is obviously an attempt to ease Trump’s fears of an increased pressure on young men to behave respectfully and responsibly. After all, they ought to enjoy the same license as he and be able to get away with it as he has.

Academics and their lawyers and Ms DeVos and her backers can, and will argue about this until hell freezes over. My view is that if sexual misconduct is alleged, it should be reported immediately to the police so that experienced investigators may determine whether punitive action is warranted. Academics have no business trying to administer the law, nor should they attempt to protect young adults from the consequences of their evil behavior.

Of course, the law cannot provide complete protection from the abuses by the mentally and socially immature.So lewd or disrespectful comments, crude innuendos, vulgar gestures, etc., would not go to the police. But they should make the offenders pariahs in campus communities.

14 XI 2018: Who deserves the honor?

So the First Lady’s office declared “It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that (Ricardel) no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House,” and Dr. Ricardel was immediately “reassigned.”.

I find the statement from the First Lady’s office ambiguous. Does it mean that Dr. Ricardel no longer deserves the honor of serving in the White House? Or does it really mean she no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House? Now I do not know whether Dr. Ricardel deserves the honor of serving in the White House. But the honor of serving in this White House? I’m sorry, but there can be no honor at all in serving in this Trumpian White House.

14 XI 2018: The Rose of the Old SA

I see that Laura Ingraham is continues her fear mongering about the heathen and savage brown hordes that are going to change OUR WHITE AMERICA. She is using an age-old reactionary formula that goes like this: “Lions and tigers and bears and (insert what you like), oh my!” E.g.,

“Lions and tigers and bears and gay marriage, oh my!”

“Lions and tigers and bears and blacks, oh my!”

“Lions and tigers and bears and brown people, oh my!”

“Lions and tigers and muslims, oh my!”

“Lions and tigers and feminists, oh my!”

“Lions and tigers and all who speak the truth, oh my!”

13 XI 2018: Trump among the bikers

I read that a group called “Bikers for Trump” gathered outside the vote counting center in Broward County to show their support for the Trump’s candidates. The mid-terms may have gone badly for the President (whatever he says!), but his has the enduring loyalty of these and other bikers.

One of the Bikers who, however, came in a pickup truck, cheered on the demonstrators by playing Trump speeches through his sound system, like the Nazis of old broadcasting speeches of their leader.