4 VI 2019: White House conspiracy to obstruct Justice

The behavior of the White House, that is to say Trump and his people, is not “stonewalling” as the news media call it, but an ongoing obstruction of justice.

Why would government employees and former government employees refuse to testify? The latter group no longer work for Trump, but have been emancipated and no longer must obey the little Despot. Why does one branch of government refuse to comply with the legitimate requests of another branch of government?

I think it must be clear to anyone not blinded by Trump’s radiance that there is a conspiracy, yes a conspiracy, to obstruct justice by silencing and hiding the evidence.

The laws have equipped Congress with means to coerce cooperation. These tools should be employed to the maximum extent. The whole crew of Trumpians that refuse to cooperate should be jailed. Defense of our country demands this.

1 VI 2019: Anti-abortion machismo

I found on the internet a list of states that have lately enacted repressive anti-abortion legislation or are planning to do so. Of these twelve, seven are states of the Old Confederacy (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas) and two (Kentucky, Missouri) are former slave states. Is this a coincidence or a sign of a male chauvinism that is as strong in these states as residual racism?

This flurry of legislation is partly due to pressure by a coalition of Right-to-Life groups that call their carefully plotted lobbying campaign “The Blitz,” as in Blitzkrieg.But these new laws that flout Roe v. Wade arise from another cause as well. Of course, the vast majority of people in the Right-to-Life movement are sincere, But there are always operators and opportunists who cynically exploit the longings and efforts of sincere people for their own ends. I suspect that some legislators who don’t much care about abortion are supporting ever more severe anti-abortion laws merely to get some votes at home and to outdo other state legislatures in their affected zeal, as if to say: “My anti-abortion bill is longer than yours, my misogyny more potent than yours!” By politicians like the Right-to-Life movement has been corrupted and gravely discredited.

27 V 2019: Conspiracy to bring down Trump

Various conspiracy addicts, monarchist Trumpians, and Trump-lickers in Congress, led by the Father of Lies himself, are urging that investigations into the Russia business were part of a conspiracy to “bring down the president.” Hired hacks like Corey Lindowski, as ignorant as Trump of what treason really means, toss about the term “treason” because it is it is Trump’s defamatory term of the month. Of course, they will be proven wrong, but that will not matter to them, and they will continue to defame people with impunity.

If there is a “conspiracy” to being down Trump, it is the open agreement of conscientious American people that Trump has to go before he destroys our country, either by a needless war or by a right-wing takeover of the government.

P.S. Trump has come out in open support of a political party in another state, sc., the coalition of Bibi Netanyahu, a fellow criminal and despot. Netanyahu has ruled Israel with a coalition of right-wing parties and religion-freaks, not unlike those who brought Trump to power in the U.S.

17 V 2019: America’s soul

In 1921 Miss Mary MacSwiney was touring the United States to promote popular support for the Irish Republic. In an address given in Saint Louis at that time Mary MacSwiney said:

“I am speaking to you from the soul of liberty-loving Ireland to the soul of liberty-loving America. And on the day that America ceases to extend her hand of friendship and hospitality to oppressed people, on that day, indeed, America will lose her soul.”

15 V 2019: “Then it’s war!” – Rufus T. Firefly

It’s in the works, you can see it coming. Trump is going to start a war with Iran and is ready to send 120,000 American soldiers, if needed. And why does he want a war? Because war covers a multitude of sins. He needs a war to distract the country from his own criminality and ineptitude and from the corruption in which he has ensnared all around him.

Just look at what 9/11 did for George W. Bush. He was well on his way to becoming a joke but 9/11 made him, for the time being anyway, “President-beyond-Criticism.” 

14 V 2019: Sorry, Herr Eichmann, the cattle cars are all full.

The news reports a scheme by that little shit Stephen Miller to round up some 10,000 immigrants in ten different American cities in a blitz of ethnic cleansing. The only obstacle to execution of his scheme was the hesitation of top D.H.S. officials whom Trump immediately fired as being too weak, though it seems that their objection was that the immigration police and concentration camps could not accommodate so many prisoners at this time.

What is the basis of Miller’s persecution of immigrants? Is it the fact that they are breaking the law? I doubt he cares any more about the law than Trump. Does he believe, with Laura Ingraham, that immigrants are a threat to white supremacy, and that the U.S. must be cleansed of these inferior people? Or has he taken such a hardline about immigration merely to show his gratitude to the crypto-white-supremacists who have been his sponsors and patrons? Whatever his motive, he clearly believes that you cannot make an omelet without breaking up families. 

4 V 2019: Freedom of speech no guarantee of an audience

We’re hearing rumblings from the left and from Trump and associated crazies about Facebook’s banning Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Louis Farrakhan, Milo Yiannopoulos, and other sociopaths from its facilities. This is viewed by some as a blow or, at least, a menace to freedom of speech.

I think there is here an underlying assumption that freedom of speech implies a guarantee of audience. Now no one can stop me from going into Kirkwood Park, setting up a soapbox, and denouncing Monothelitism vehemently and at length, but I think that only a substantial cash incentive could provide me with an audience.

The worst threat to freedom of speech these days is that society allows semi-criminal rabble rousers such free access. It is virtually routine for totalitarian movements to subvert and destroy democracy by exploiting the freedoms that democracy guarantees.

I cannot propose an answer to the dilemma that this presents, but I can say that unless our democracy finds a way to obviate or moderate the voices of hate-mongering and uninhibited deceit in the public sphere, they will tear us apart.

2 V 2019: Trump’s antisocial personality disorder

A posting on the Psychology Todayblog by Dr. Vinita Mehta entitled “Is there a Criminal Mind? What Does It Look Like?” provides the following description of the antisocial: “A putative definition of antisocial personality disorder states that it is a mental health condition in which a person has ‘a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others.'” To the question of what people with an antisocial personality are like, Dr. Mehta replies: “antisocial offenders with borderline personality disorder are emotionally reactive, unable to regulate emotions, bereft of cognitive empathy (knowing how the other person feels), rageful, and reactively aggressive.” 

When I stop and ask if there is anyone I know who exhibits these indications of antisocial personality disorder, I think immediately of our President Donald Trump.