11 X 2019: I can beat you up any time

Today CNN ran a wonderful photograph with an article “Romney steps up as Trump tries to trample him.” The photo shows steps leading down from a closed door at, I think, the White House. Romney is descending the steps, looking to his right, towards an American flag there. Trump is at the top of the steps, his arms lifted to his mouth, as if he is shouting something.” Here is what I imagine is going on in the photo: Romney and Trump have had an altercation. Romney has had it with Trump and is leaving the scene and Trump is shouting inane insults at the departing Romney. But Trump is keeping close to the door of his big house so that he can run back inside if Romney turns around and comes after him.

10 X 2019: Executive privilege, non-disclosure, veils thrown over shit

So I read that Donald the Despot may not allow former ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch to testify tomorrow. Frankly, I do not understand how he could have the right to prevent her. Are we going to see yet another abuse of “executive privilege”? Trump and Barr buried the Mueller report in “executive privilege.” This document was the result of millions of dollars with of investigation and predictably held some answers to questions the country had been asking. Trump invoked executive privilege to prevent Gordon Sunderland’s testifying. What the hell! We’re not talking about top-secret matters, star-wars stuff or how to track American submarines or how many nuclear devices Israel possesses. Abuse of presidential power is the issue. Does it seem right to anyone that the President is using a supposed presidential privilege to prevent investigation of his own abuse of presidential power?

I read too about the hot tub of sleaze in which Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, and N.B.C. are currently soaking. In the case of N.B.C. a familiar bit of jiggery-pokery is mentioned: non-disclosure agreement. Trump, I recall, made widespread and constant use of non-disclosure agreements to maintain the secrecy of his “sporting life.” Now we see that Trump has simply substituted “executive privilege” for the good old non-disclosure contract. 

Why does Trump have to maintain constant secrecy one way or another? It’s because he is constantly behaving in reprehensible ways.

9 X 2019: Trump near the edge

So that pathetic figure in the White House thinks that he owes nothing to our allies, the Kurds, because they did not fight along with us in WW II. Does he think that the neutral Turks fought alongside us? He might believe they did, for he is as ignorant of history as he is of government.

He is coming closer and closer to losing it altogether. It is reported that he keeps making frantic, menacing phone calls to Mitch McConnell to make sure that the Republicans in the Senate are still backing him. Many of his utterances, viva voce or on Twitter, are, it seems to me, actionable, for he is in a frenzy of slander and libel. 

Will he go off the edge? will he take America with him? I’m sure that by now he is thinking, as Hitler did of the Germans, that we are not tough enough to deserve him. Will he hang on, backed who cannot admit they have erred? Will he get away with all his crimes? If he does, America will have ceased to exist.

What about the Republicans in Congress? Will they, as his abuse and intimidation of them gets even worse, have the guts to give him the shove? Getting rid of Trump will be made especially difficult for the people he has debauched. The Republicans seem to have sworn allegiance to him as the Wehrmacht swore obedience to Hitler. They will have to find a way to distance from him, for if they do not, they will become infamous.

And the American people who voted for him, can they acknowledge their mistake, their having been scammed? Will those who proclaim “He’s my President!” come to realize what such a declaration actually says about themselves? 

8 X 2019bis: Birds of a feather

I read a report of an interview on Ukraine radio of Yurly Lutsenko, sometime Prosecutor General of Ukraine. He told of meetings with Giuliani as part of Rudy’s quest for dirt. It seems Lutsenko and Viktor Shokin, another sometime Prosecutor General, gave Giuliani’s team just what they wanted, dirt on Democrat, dirt on the Bidens, dirt on anyone he might want. What a deal! Problem is, as the article I read reports, “Lutsenko, who left office in August, has changed his account of events surrounding those efforts [sc. of Giuliani’s ‘team’] several times.” This Lutsenko should be recruited for the Trump campaign. His behavior, as reported, has been so absolutely Trumpian.

President Trump is a sleaze-magnet. His own person and behavior are so intensely sleazy as to be a virtual black hole of sleaze. His excesses have drawn to him throngs of sleazy people from all walks of life who have rushed forward to sacrifice their integrity (such as it was) on the altar of Trump. He is persisting in his “Don’t tell ’em nuttin” policy, so we can only guess how sleazy his administration really is. When (and if) we are able to investigate the Trump administration we will find a beehive of sleazes at home and a network of sleazes, like Lutsenko, abroad.

8 X 2019: Immunity precludes responsibility

So, yet another figure from the Trump administration has been forbidden to testify before Congress. At the last minute, Ambassador Gordon Sunderland was ordered not to make his scheduled appearance before three House committees.

No criminal enterprise in the U.S. could get away with this. Someone must at least show up and say “I respectfully decline to testify ….” But Trump’s underlings do not have to do even that to escape telling the truth. 

The administration decides who can testify, decides what documents it will make available to Congress, only after they have been “redacted,” that is to say, only after damaging evidence has been removed. They are shamelessly abusing “executive privilege” to the point of claiming an immunity to investigation usually available only to dictators. This makes a mockery of any pretense to oversight. 

How can this happen? Congress has long been wanting in intelligence and courage. Over many generations they have handed over to the presidency the responsibilities that they found burdensome or scary. This same tendency of Congress is abetting Trump today. The Republican Party, always as disciplined as the Communists, is in lock step tolerating, concealing, defending, and even commending Trump’s malfeasance.

Can our government be saved from the gangsters and wimps who now dominate it?

6 X 2019: The Republican Imagination

I would have been incredulous if anyone were to assert that the Republicans, in Congress or not, are very imaginative people. They seem content to do what they are told to do, sc., block any legislation or destroy any program which the plutocrats who support them could conceivably dislike. Even during the current Trump Catastrophe the Republicans have kept repeating the lines given them by the White House. But a new set of Trump crises has challenged them to work their imaginations and come up with explanations, based mostly conspiracy theories, to explain away Trump’s crimes. They are telling us: “It’s the F.B.I., it’s the C.I.A., it’s the Deep State, it’s the Democrats, it’s the European Union or all of the above who have shared in a brazen conspiracy to obscure Our Trump’s renown.”

These conspiracy theories are by now rather trite. So I want to help by providing some new conspiracy theories. We can say that Trump’s present woes are due to a plot by:

Neo-Stalinists, who are trying to attack Putin by discrediting his close ally, Trump;

the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, who want to make Cardinal Burke president;

White Supremacists, who find Trump’s support of them lukewarm;

Eric Trump, who thinks he is the Trump who deserves the spotlight;

Kim Jong Un, who is bored with Trump and wants a more clever adversary;

International arms dealers, who resent Trump’s generosity with weapons.

These imaginings, I have to admit, are rather lame. Maybe the Republican Party should sponsor a national contest to find the best explanation for future crises as they come along.

5 X 2019: If you don’t play by the rules, you’re going to commit a lot of fouls.

Ever since they made the self-destructive error of nominating Trump we have heard Republicans dismiss his ignorance, his megalomania, his lies, the amazing irregularities of his life, his rudeness, and his 5th-grade speech. They tell us that Trump doesn’t want to do things in the old stuffy Washington way, that Trump is the kind of great leader that can ignore the norms, while he and his gang unleash predatory business interests, destroy legal protections for citizens, wage war on the environment, and wholly undermine national security. Oh, the reactionaries say, that’s just his way. Pay attention to what he does, not what he says. Or is it pay attention to what he says, not to what he does? In any case, they will tell you that as he struggles to turn our Country around Trump has been criticized, unrelentingly ridiculed, persecuted, hounded as has no president in American history.

OK Are Trump’s critics unfair, even cruel? Trump and the people around him are people who believe that following traditional norms and obeying the law is for losers, for chumps. They the kind who never pay full price for anything and maybe do not pay at all. They do what they want or feel they need to do, and if they are ever caught doing something illegal, they will know someone who can fix it for them, or they will hire a mouthpiece as contemptuous of the law as they to make the charge go away or delay the proceedings indefinitely. 

These people live on the border of the law and very often cross over it. As a rule they never risk their own money, but grow wealthy using money they borrow or are given by investors whose capital they may waste or spend down or re-allocate to some other of their own concerns. The more energetic of them always have some ongoing problem with Internal Revenue or with a gaming commission or with the SEC or with U.S. Customs or with fair housing authorities, or with paying off their stupendous loans, or all of these at once.

They blame their being in some kind of trouble all the time on their enemies, on their enemies’ minions in government, on those who envy their wealth, sophistication, and genius. Thus they always present themselves as victims, treated unfairly, indeed, illegally, and their lawyers provide a chorus to echo this complaint.

Our President is from this class of people who live outside-the-law, and that is why once he entered public life and his thoughts and deeds became widely known he is always being criticized and attacked. There is so much in what he does and the way he thinks that richly deserves criticism, and the President, like many in his class, continues and enlarges his anti-social actions and attitudes compulsively. When he feels trapped he lies, and when accused of lying he tells more lies, and as he tells more lies he suborns others to repeat his lies. 

Put simply, he, as others like him, have always done what is wrong, continue to do what is wrong, and will go on doing what is wrong until they are deprived of the ability to do something wrong.

3 X 2019: “Don’t be rude” you snakes, gators, lowlifes, and rats!!

Trump’s press conference yesterday was so depressing. This sufferer from mental illness is our President? I enjoyed his command to the Reuters reporter: “Don’t be rude.” I think he used rude in the way he uses treason, sc., not quite sure what they mean, unaware that he is himself never anything but rude and forgetting that he is the one who colludes with foreigners to subvert American democracy. 

He denied the report that he had a plan to create a snake-and-gator-filled moat along the Gross Wall. The very fact that our president felt he had to deny this report is amazing although not surprising, since it is probably quite true.

He called Adam Schiff a lowlife though this term best describes Trump himself.

Rats will be jumping from S.S. Trump in increasing numbers. The remaining intelligent and competent people in the Trump regime will try to escape the tar and feathers that Trump and those closest to him will be wearing. The incompetents and the wholly compromised will keep on fighting, for Trump is their meal-ticket, and any detailed investigation of him will shine an unwelcome light on them. 

Our poor, poor country! Trump, Pence, Barr, Pompeio, Giuliani, Jim Jordan, Miller, and Graham. What a collection of emetics!

26 II 2019: What does “socialism” mean to American reactionaries?

What if for over a short period, say one week, all the reactionaries and their fellow travelers in the Republican party would stop using the words “socialism” and “socialist”? Let them say what they really mean by these words, if they even know what the words mean. These words have been so long in use by the American right that their only meaning is a bow towards the reactionaries’ list of big lies used to scare the rubes and fundamentalists.