14 XII 2019: Phone calls covered. What about the tweets?

I read that “senior aides” to President Trump have more severely restricted access to his phone calls to foreign leaders. Recent events surely provoked this. I don’t think these restrictions are intended to strengthen national security, but are an attempt to draw a veil of secrecy around Trump’s ineptitude and mental illness. 

If this is their goal, they will also have to do something to control the flow and content of his tweets, for in his tweets the President displays his real personality.

11 XII 2019: Trump tries to liven up the plot. Flunky, Clown, and Angry Cracker in the House GOP drama

Trump tried to add a new dimension to the Page-Strzok saga, retailing to a slavering crowd a make-believe rumor. Trump fantasizes about Page + Strzok as if they were a romantic couple on a TV reality show. The writers know that the show will lose interest if the course of true love runs smoothly, so they think up a big complication they can insert into the lives of the TV lovers to make the plot more suspenseful and interesting. Our President lives in a reality-TV world and his thinking is shaped by this. 

Republicans on the Judiciary Committee have been making a lot of speechettes that are sound bites for the folks at home and get-well cards for Trump. They are afraid of the Playground Bully, afraid he’ll go crazy if he’s not handled right, afraid he will come after them if their devotion seems anything short of abject. The behavior of some Republicans in the House makes this obvious. We’ve seen Devin Nunes as the flunky who is more than willing to be a fool for Trump. Matt Graetz is still starring as the class clown. Doug Collins can go from folksy to self-righteous on cue, so he is playing the angry cracker role. Will they receive awards commensurate with their self-abnegation? Tune in later as the unreality show stumbles onward.

3 XII 2019: Trump, fake it ’til you make it

I just viewed the footage of the President of the United States faking an orgasm at one of his nazi-revival rallies. Even Hitler who enjoyed his ecstatic moments in his speeches never tried this. I don’t know how Trump’s evangelical fans feel about it, but I was shocked and disgusted.

On reflection, however, I realized there is nothing surprising here. Trump runs his rallies as a combination liars’ and comedy club in which his lies are usually as crude as his humor. But though Trump’s fan-base found him funny, his faked orgasm, obviously based on a lot of practice, is actually a part of his liars’ club repertoire. Since Trump lies about everything else, it comes as no surprise that he fakes orgasms.

2 XII 2019: Conjectures about American dictatorship.

Farrad Zakaria provided a very good but alarming report on CNN. He fears that American democracy is in grave danger, that we are on the verge of turning into an elective dictatorship.

Here are my thoughts on what is and what is likely to be:

Donald Trump is a Russian agent, not because he loves Russia, but because he believes the Russians will help him turn the United States into a dictatorship. Trump does not value democracy. He, and people like him, the “winners,” know what they want and will do anything to get it, and care about the rest of the country only to the extent that they do not want the “losers” to get in their way. They reject democracy and even plutocracy as unacceptably inefficient forms of government, and prize dictatorship or monarchy as the only way to really get things done. 

It is of crucial importance to them to sweep away obstacles created by a system of checks and balances, by an honest judiciary or a popularly elected legislature. Both of these branches will be neutralized by filling them with people who think they stand to gain from the dictator’s rule. We see this happening even now with the Republicans in Congress in ambitious submission to Trump in hope, I think, that the U.S. will become a one-party state to the judiciary. In turn, the Senate is wholly complicit in Trump’s packing the bench with toadies.

The undereducated and mindless are incapable of voting responsibly. The Republicans will continue imbue them with a burning resentment for “the elite” and encourage their mistrust of whatever seems unfamiliar. Their fear of change will be stimulated and given focus by being directed at immigrants, “white genocide,” globalization, gay rights, feminism, Europeans, and non-Christians, and these fears will be assuaged by nativism, white supremacy, fierce provincialism, revived hyper-machismo, obdurate anti-intellectualism, and Christian triumphalism. They will be made to think they are happy by over-abundant entertainment, lurid scandals, sporting events, and their acquisition of cheap imported goods. They will be encouraged to prize their culpable simplicity and ignorance, to boast of their lack of education, and to believe that the nation is as simple as their families and only requires the rule of one strong man to set things straight. 

The elites are also to blame. Though higher education in America has deteriorated like education at every level, the elites still over-value their college educations and don’t conceal their disdain for those not similarly educated, thus stoking popular resentment. They strive for a sophistication that ideally cannot be too widely shared, but appreciated by the cognoscenti alone. They too are determined to be winners, but in a less coarsely ambitious, more stylishly refined way. They abhor Trump and his horde, but do not exert themselves to squelch mindless populism because they are naively confident that the plutocratic government of the U.S. will keep the Trumpies from changing their lives fundamentally.

Most Americans, have, as St. Paul might say, “grown weary in well-doing.” Why should America be the world’s policeman? Do we have to be the do-gooders all the time? Let somebody else do it. Let’s put America first, and if anything should be left over, share it with client countries only. We will make tyranny tremble no more, because we will embrace it. And if totalitarian regimes force other peoples to live in poverty and oppression, it is not our problem. God gave America to us as the land promised to his saints alone. Let others see to themselves.

30 XI 2019: Upon what will we be judged?

CNN reported about the Catholic diocese of Grand Rapids MI denying communion to Judge Sara Smolenski. Why? Well, the 62-year-old Judge had married her female partner of over 30 years back in 2016. But only recently, all of a sudden, the local priest phoned to tell her not to come to communion because her marriage is against Catholic teaching. He was backed up by the local Bishop who wrote: “No community of faith can sustain the public contradiction of its beliefs by its own members.” Saints preserve us!! Do we really think that Judge Smolenski’s being given communion will bring down the whole church? But that I suppose is the view of reactionary American Catholics, clergy and lay, who are urging a spectacularly naive but quite militant “back to the fifties” movement. They are like the Trumpies who want to force America back to “the way it was.”

Pope Francis made a solemn declaration after his visit to Japan that to use or even to own nuclear weapons is immoral. This teaching is a stiff challenge to Catholics in nuclear-armed countries, but Pope Francis allowed us no wiggle room. His grave warning about nuclear weapons is “We shall be judged on this.” Yes, I believe that we will be judged on our use of nuclear weapons and not about including gay couples in the church.

28 XI 2019: Bone Spurs serves up turkey

I read about Trump’s secret flight to Afghanistan. For a nanosecond I hoped that Trump had decided to run for it. But no. Our Commander-in-Chief wasted a lot of our money flying to Afghanistan secretly for Turkey Day. His trip was so secret that even Trump refrained from tooting and tweeting for 36 hours — I suppose they took away his phone — though some pre-recorded tweets were aired to avoid suspicion. It was so secret that he took the deputy White House press secretary with him. So secret that reporters traveling with the President — how? at whose expense?? Anyway, it was so secret that reporters who somehow got to Afghanistan were allowed to report the visit only moments before Trump’s return flight. 

He hinted that he’s working on a deal for peace with the Taliban. Has he decided to give the Taliban a carte blanche just as he did for Erdogan?  But it was not peace Trump was looking for in Afghanistan, but photo-ops. I think this trip was really about Trump playing generalissimo, serving turkey, and having photos taken for distribution to the BaSe.

24 XI 2019: War on Christmas?

The website Right Wing Watch reports the resumption of the right wing’s battle against the supposed “War against Christmas,” the first shots this year being fired by an anti-LGBTQ organization called Liberty Counsel. It seems they publish an annual list called “Naughty or Nice” that rates stores according to how much the word Christmas is found in their advertising, signage, labeling, etc. This list is intended to direct us towards stores that have lots of signs that say Merry Christmas,and away from those that have too many signs that say Happy Holidays. . 

They say they want to keep our focus on “the true Reason for the Season.” I suppose this is another “keep America Christian” schtick, though it seems to me that the true Reason for the Season is the mounds of money that are to be made from suckers who are annually manipulated into a mid-winter buying frenzy. What “Christmas spirit” and “the spirit of giving” really mean is “Won’t you feel terrible if you fail to buy an appropriately expensive gift for everyone who expects a gift from you?”

Rather than resist the re-purposing of a religious feast day by pagan commercial culture, the Liberty Counsel is quite ready to go along with this so long as the pagan commercial culture uses the signs that they prefer.

27 XI 2019: Trump, chosen for what?

Many of Trump’s hangers-on agree, or agree to say, that Trump was chosen by God to be President. Taking this B.S. seriously for a moment, I’ve got to ask: Why did God choose him? Oh, the evangelicals and politicians that are in bed with them will tell us that, sure, Trump’s religion is bogus and he behaves like a reprobate, but like the pagan King Ahasuerus who allowed the Jews to kill their enemies (75,000 in all, Esther 9:160) or Cyrus the Great who ended the Babylonian Captivity, Trump will defend the righteous and make them rich.

But it seems to me that Trump might be chosen instead as a punishment from God, like Rehoboam who, after his tyranny provoked a civil war, was left with half his Kingdom, and when the Egyptians invaded, gave them the treasures of the Temple by way of tribute and made Judah a vassal state of Egypt. Or he might be a punishment more like Nabuchadnezzar II whose slogan was “Make Babylon great again.” He destroyed Solomon’s Temple, took the people captive to Babylon, demanded they worship the idol he erected, and in the end went insane.

27 XI 2019: Deep state vs. bleep state, sheep state, creep state

Boss Trump told his raving base “Just this week I stuck up for three great warriors against the deep state.” I don’t know where he got the idea that the three are “great” warriors. Of course, “great” is one of the few words he can use to express his approval. At least he did not call them the greatest warriors. It appears that whatever one might find to say about these criminals, “great” is not a good fit.

Then, “the deep state.” He picked this phrase up from right-wing conspiracy mongers. They seem to mean by this term the experienced, dedicated professionals who keep this country afloat. The Trump years have shown us that government by people who do not know what they are doing and don’t care can render the U.S. ridiculous in very little time.

I think I would prefer a deep state to a bleepstate in which the President uses foul language in public, to a sheepstate in which Republicans are sure to go anywhere that Mary goes, to a creepstate of back channels and side channels and conspiracies run by 3rd-raters and thieves, while Giulliani and Stephen Miller and the Jevankas and the spooky committee of evangelicals crawl in and out of the woodwork. And I would surely prefer a deep state to a sleepstate in which the invincible ignorance, sloth, hatred, and fears of virtually uneducated voters are pandered to.

26 XI 2019: America in denial about war crimes; obedient senators; “Selena Gomez Shows Off Her New Thigh Tatoo”

1) I read a report that Trump has announced that he wants to take the criminal beneficiaries of his clemency, Lorance, Golsteyn, and Gallagher, on campaign with him. Do we have here another quid pro quo? I’ll pardon you if you’ll be part of my road-show.

Right-wing propagandists were ardent in their support of these three, and Trump’s clemency is bound to play well, as he anticipated, with his BaSe, most of whom ascribe to the exceptionalist position on war crimes, sc.

          American warriors do not commit war crimes, 

          or if they do, it’s just an excess of pardonable zeal [extreme patriotism], 

          or if they do, those they abuse or kill are savage enemies of the U.S.

These pardons also appeal to the BaSe’s cult of the veteran. The American people are feeling so guilty about the huge waste of American lives in Afghanistan and Iraq and elsewhere that they reflexively beatify veterans and canonize war criminals.

2) Two obedient senators, obeisant to Trump’s command, voted to block the resolution that acknowledges the Armenian Genocide. One was Lindsey Graham, Trump’s factotum, the other David Perdue, the fellow whose memory played such tricks on him after the “Shit-hole countries” Meeting. Trump is trying to buddy up to his fellow strongman, Erdogan, and, of course, the Turks have always maintained that there was no Armenian genocide, just lots of war crimes. Of course, when it comes to genocide, America’s slaughter of the Indians might make us careful not to throw the first stone.

Selena Gomez Shows Off Her New Thigh Tatoo”: This is a headline I saw on what is assumed to be a respectable news website. Isn’t this unutterably silly? Oh, maybe I’m being too confrontational. All I can say is that I do not know who Selena Gomez is, so I cannot share the excitement about her new thigh tatoo.