23 V 2020: Getting rid of the gatekeepers

The Univ. of California and other institutions are announcing that they will no longer require that applicants for admission take the SAT and ACT, virtual entrance exams. The N.Y. Times reports: “The change is expected to accelerate the momentum of American colleges away from the tests, amid concern that they are unfair to poor, black and Hispanic students.” Well, I guess so. These exams demand a facility with standard English and basic math/science that many disadvantaged students have no opportunity to acquire. So let’s remove these tests of competence that, it is thought, exclude them from higher education.

But I fear admitting students who cannot demonstrate the knowledge and skills that higher education should demand will have one of two unfortunate consequences. Either colleges and universities will continue to demand the knowledge and skills that are in reality required for work at that level, and students lacking that knowledge and those skills (a lack that is diagnosed by SAT and ACT) will have to acquire them overnight or fail out. Or, to avoid losing many paying students because they can’t do the work, institutions will dumb down their programs. They will adjust to accommodate ill-prepared students and the already rapid downward glide of higher education in America will accelerate.

20 V 2020: Is Fox News turning on Trump?

I just watched a clip from The Daily Show which gathered together a long series of negative, very negative remarks about Trump by Fox News personalities. Even allowing that some of these remarks were taken out of context, there are enough of them to make me wonder if Fox News is turning against Trump. Let us hope it is, for it has been the biggest source of Trumpian propaganda.

If Fox News is going to dump Trump, that would make it a standout among Trumpists. For the Republican senators and congressmen are still ready to do his bidding and no one at all in the vast Trump establishment dares to speak a word of criticism. Is this, as I have long thought, due to their realization that without Trump they are dead politically? Or are they, as some have suggested, afraid that Trump will vindictively turn on them as they run for re-election in their various states?

As far as their public behavior goes, however, they are acting crazy. I recall an old saw from early in my education: “If you put crazy people with sane people, it does not make the crazies sane but makes the sane crazy.” Of course, not all the Republicans in Congress were sane to begin with, but since Trump took office almost all of them seem to have become certifiably insane.

Instead of “Carthago delenda est,” I’m going to sign off with DUMP TRUMP!

18 V 2020: We don’t need a super-duper missile

I smiled to see that our President described a weapon in development as a “super-duper missile.” I smiled because the adjective super-duper took me back to high school (c1960). A classmate’s father and uncle ran a small metal-work manufacturing business. One of their more successful products, one ahead of its time, was the Super-duper Puppy Pooper Scooper. Product names like this are delightful to high school boys, so I remember it well.

The United States really needs something super-duper, but not a missile. What we need is more like a Super-duper Trumpy Blooper Scooper. Our President’s staff, the G.O.P., and Fox News (his very own Pravda) have to follow him around, ready to get rid of his droppings. They could use a Scooper.

16 V 2020: Why did Trump fire the Inspector General of the State Dept?

Trump announced his dismissal of the Inspector General of the State Dept., Mr. Steve Linick, who has served in that capacity since 2013, and replace him with Stephen Allard, an Indiana crony of V-P Pence. Trump says he has lost confidence in Linick. That means “He might be a whistle blower.” Why did he lose confidence in Linick? Linick has initiated an investigation of Secy. Pompeo’s improper use of a political appointee as a houseboy. 

Commentators say this replacement of someone who can be trusted to do his job with a crony who can be trusted not to do his job is the latest manifestation of Trump’s paranoia about anyone who has not sworn the oath of unconditional obedience and loyalty to him. I agree with this conclusion, but I feel there is an additional inference to be made: Trump fired Linick because Pompeo is guilty and Linick knows it 

14 V 2020: Who did you say is “classless”?

I’ve read that Sen. Mitch McConnell has described former president Barack O’Bama as “classless.” The incongruity of this is mind-numbing. McConnell is the eager slave of Donald Trump, who is classless incarnate, and Mitch himself has wallowed in sleaze so long that I would think that “classless” was not in his vocabulary.

8 V 2020: Reckless endangerment

I see that the oft-married Peter Hegseth, chronic jock, and right-wing roustabout has declared that we should all show some courage, get out of the house, and go ahead and try to contract coronavirus, in hope that we will achieve a “herd immunity.” On the contrary, business leaders, governors, trumpists, and, of course, the President are urging people to get out of the house and spend money, on the assumption they will not contract coronavirus or spread it. Now which do you think is giving the better advice??

The anti-rational Hegseth is simply dim. The irresponsible posturing and deceit of rest of these fools manifests a chronic inability to accept reality, a compulsive disobedience to informed advice, and a disregard for the health of their fellow Americans. I wish we could put them all on trial for reckless endangerment.

5 V 2020: Miscellany

Cinco de Mayo: May God bless the people of Mexico everywhere, and protect them from the ruthlessness and brutality of the United States.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee: The Trumpists are grasping at straws to counter criticism of the President stupidities by blaming China. Recently, they are citing what seem to be reliable reports that the Chinese kept secret the virulence and extent of COVID-19 so they could amass all the medical supplies they thought they would need. So they left us in the dark while they tried to provide for their own citizens. 

1) I seem to recall that American intelligence provided early notice of the corona virus, notice that Trump chose to ignore. 

2) I want to ask: Wouldn’t the United States of Trump have done much the same thing?

3) If our President and his cultists can bellow and re-bellow “America First,” cannot 1,439,323,776 Chinese shout “China First.”

4 V 2020: Do we need J. Crew!

In today’s Daily Beast: “J. Crew Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection as Analysts Wonder Which Retain Behemoth Will be Next.” The article reports that Nieman Marcus and J.C. Penny are also looking rather wobbly, and I imagine the list of large retail businesses threatened by the COVID-19 Depression is very long.

I feel pity for the workers who are losing their jobs. I feel my usual contempt for the money people who will, of course, like Trump, make money out of bankruptcy.

I do find a symbolic significance in J. Crew’s failure. J. Crew and the bulk of commercial enterprises in the United States are built on our being manipulated into buying things we don’t need. Oh, we need clothing, of course, but when I visit a large mall I wonder how so many chain stores that sell practically identical clothing can survive. (A study of why the names of all these chains were chosen might tell us a lot about our culture.)

Of course, we could not afford to buy all these clothes if they were not imported from overseas where labor is cheap and we did not have credit cards. The abundance of cheap goods conceals the fact that our standard of living has been declining and our credit cards create an illusion of wealth that conceals the fact that we are most of us broke.

3 V 2020: Making America Gross Again

I found online a site named “DL Grandeurs/Confederate and Rebel Merchandise.” There you can buy the Confederate Flag on everything but toilet paper. This firm has a “Home Goods” department with its subdivisions: Rebel Blankets, Kitchen, Rebel Bathroom, and Around the Rebel House. You will find a Rebel Shower Curtain, Rebel Flag Bed Sheet Set, Rebel Baby Fleece Blanket, Confederate Flag Area Rug Wall Tapestry, Rebel Flag Christmas Ornaments, Rebel Flag oven mitts and pot-holders, and a Jefferson Davis coffee mug.

You can also buy your choice of bikini: Confederate Flag Bikini, Confederate Flag Classic Bikini, or Rebel Flag Halter Top Bikini. Match your choice with coordinated Blue Rebel Flag Flip Flops and a Rebel Flag 30″ X 60″ Beach Towel.

Of course, Trump had to be included, so there’s “Donald Trump Tank USA Flag” that shows Trump standing atop a tank labeled TRUMP with fireworks and the American flag in the background, and a “Trump Make America Great Again Bazooka Flag” that shows Trump with bulging muscles holding a bazooka. If you buy one of these Trump flags, you should buy a “Confederate Flag Antique Style Round Wood Toilet Seat” to go with it.

2 V 2020: Campaign contribution from all of us to Trump

I received a form letter from the President that let me know that I too would receive my COVID-19 payout. It was sent from the Dept. of the Treasury, so the whole expense of paper, printing, and mailing will have been paid by tax dollars. My Spouse and I have sent the following letter to Mr. Trump:

Dear Mr. President,

We strongly disapprove of your using our money to finance your campaign. We received from the Dept. of the Treasury a form letter that we are supposed to believe originated at the White House and bears a facsimile of your signature. This letter informs us that we are to get some money that constitutes “fast and direct economic assistance to you.” I wonder if you sent a similar letter to accompany the big-money bailouts of which we have heard so much.

This letter is an attempt to claim credit for what others have done, and it is nothing but a political advertisement that is paid for by taxpayers’ dollars. This is a lowdown maneuver that is an abuse of the office of President of the United States.