21 X 2020: Militias, really?

I’ve been thinking about the people that plotted the kidnapping of Governor Whitmer of Michigan. There have been “militias” in Michigan and other states for many years. We see photos of them from time to time doing training exercises or strutting around fully armed in city centers.

We have put up with this menace too long! America has outlawed organized crime and we should also outlaw armed gangs of rebels-in-waiting who have declared their intention to attack the government. 

I put militia in quotation marks above because these gangs of thugs and poseurs do not at all deserve the title of militia, certainly not in the sense of the “well regulated militia” that the Second Amendment envisioned. They are not unlike the worst biker gangs. The biker gangs wear virtual uniforms (leather jackets and pants, etc.) and are always ready for a fight. Members of these let’s-play-war groups also wear virtual uniforms (so-called “tactical” clothing and gear), and have a permanent chip on their shoulders. The main difference between the two groups is that the bikers make a fetish of motor-bikes and these “play soldiers” make a fetish of automatic weapons.

7 X 2020: Manic Catholics for Trump

I found online at the website of Church Militant, an online tabloid for reactionary Catholics, an article about the “Nationwide Novena of 5,400 Masses for President Trump.” It is customary when you ask a priest to celebrate a mass for a special intention to give him a stipend or, as is now the preferred term, an offering. This offering is not required, but it is the traditional and common practice. The amount of the offering is determined by the local bishop. Checking online revealed that a lot of dioceses have set $10 for a mass offering. So, for 5,400 masses we are looking at $54,000. The Republican National Committee should be easily able to cough up $54,000. However, there is a less expensive way. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati the sum set for mass offerings is $5.00. So if all the masses can be celebrated in the Cincinnati archdiocese, the RNC can get by with $27,000, a big saving. I should not perhaps ridicule the politics of right-wing Catholics, but readers of Church Militant are the ridiculous playthings of anyone who strokes their morbid fear of change by calling for a return to the “good old days” or, as our preppy Senator Hawley says, to “small town values.”

The ads on the Church Militant site are noteworthy. The Militants advertise subscriptions to their site: “GET THE TRUTH never miss a news update and deepen your faith Join Church Militant” and “sign up for premium access and become the best catholic you can be” There’s an ad from Real Estate for Life that urges “Find a Faith-based Realtor,” and, from Retreat at Sea, an invitation “Join us in 2021!” with a photo of a luxury cruise ship.  

But it’s the articles that are really striking. The lead article is “SATAN’S SUGAR DADDIES: The Billionaires Funding the Left.” There are two pieces to relay warnings from the reactionary Cardinal Müller: “Cardinal Drops Bombshell on ‘Beijing’ Biden” and “Cardinal Warns of LGBT Endgame: Ultimate destruction of marriage and family.” Carlo Maria Viganò (the guy who is permanently pissed off because he didn’t make cardinal) also gets in on the action, claiming: “If Trump loses, the final kathèkon (“restraint”) [2 Th 2:6] will fail and a New World Order will be unleashed.” And the report on an “apolitical” letter of the Archbishop of Denver entitled “Religious Freedom is on Your Ballot” has the headline “US ARCHBISHOP: HUMAN LIFE IS ON THE LINE IN NOVEMBER” accompanied by a photo of someone holding a poster that says “MOST PRO-LIFE PRESIDENT. EVER.” with a portrait of you know who.

However, enterprises like Church Militant are not funny. The Catholic Right is a pernicious conspiracy of virtual schismatics, a group pathologically aggrieved by its loss of power and ready to do anything to get it back. 

6 X 2020: Republican duplicity, again stoking fear and resentment

I’ve received a document: Catholic Opinion Research Survey. On its cover it says “Daniel Sheerin, which side are you on?” and reveals the bias of the survey. On one side is a photo of a beaming Trump, a beaming Reagan, and a somber looking John Paul II before a background of the American flag. On the other side is another photo showing Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, and Joe Biden before a background of black.

The survey contains a series of tendentious questions intended to measure the degree of my outrage at alleged slights, insults, and atrocities against Catholicism by the left. Most of the questions are, in fact, much better suited to reactionary evangelicals, but it is assumed that Catholics and evangelicals are undifferentiated components of a pro-Republican Brand X Christianity.

This document was sent by an organization called Catholic Vote that is “Mobilizing Catholics to Defend Faith and Family in 2020.” On their website they advertise a book entitled A New Catholic Moment Donald Trump and the Politics of the Common Good by Bryan Burch, the president of Catholic Vote. There is a reactionary Catholic club called Legatus that claims to be  “the world’s premiere [sic] organization for Catholic CEOs and Presidents.” In 2018 Legatus named Bryan its “Defender of the Faith,” a title he shares with Henry VIII and the current Queen of England. Catholic Vote is just another wing of the Republican Party, trying to camouflage itself with religion, evangelical and Catholic, another group struggling to defend the “American Way,” i.e., predatory capitalism, patriarchy, and bigotry.

5 X 2020: Is Hooliganism the answer?

We have hyper-aggressive demonstrators vandalizing public and private property and attacking the police with anything they can throw. These are hooligans. We also have groups of so-called “patriots,” clubs of reactionary working class people who have a taste for violence, like to play “army,” and are simply spoiling for any fight. They too are hooligans.

How can we contain all this random violence? I suggest we follow the example the United Kingdom and channel all this violent energy into football hooliganism. Yes, we’ve a long way to go. In the U.S., sports fans are generally well-behaved. There’s the occasional fight and spasms of vandalism, but we’ve nothing like the organization, commitment to violence, and militant stupidity of Britain’s football hooligans.

So what can we do? Hockey and basketball are very intense and sometimes give rise to violence, but they are played indoors, so there is not space enough for some real aggrobovver, and riots. American football is the best option. Aggressive fan clubs, or “firms” as they are called in England, could be formed around professional football teams and violent hatred fomented between these groups. Football stadiums provide room inside for pre-game, half-time, and post-game fights; there is plenty of space for fighting and trashing in the concessions areas, as well as easy access to the environs of the stadium for expanded combat and vandalism.

Many questions remain. Could these clubs be multi-racial? The fan base of most teams is multi-racial, but would this collaboration endure among truly committed hooligan-fans? Would prohibition of weapons in football stadiums inhibit club members’ propensity to violence? Would all political groups be represented in these clubs, or would membership have to be limited to Republicans, reactionaries, and white supremacists?

Many questions and difficulties remain, but football hooliganism is preferable to random riots, so-called militias, and chest-thumping and menace associated with “gun rights.”

4 X 2020: Medical Bullshitin’

We’re all sorry to hear that the President is ill, but we do not know how sorry to be because we don’t know how ill he really is. It is no surprise that even the White House physicians are peddling bullshit because nothing comes out of the White House but bullshit. The President has trained his people never to tell the truth, not because the truth is necessarily damaging to him, but because he wants no wavering from White House policy.

4 X 2020: Patriotism vs. Boosterism

As the election approaches we see more and more of red, white, and blue, hear more and more talk about loving (or not loving) the United States of America, and we are supposed to be impressed by flag-waving righteous indignation. And yet, now especially, but also at any time, abuse of our flag is routine. No, I don’t mean the silly flag-burners, but the citizens (and Chinese manufacturers) who seem to put the red, white, and blue on everything except toilet paper. 

Are folks exhibiting their patriotism in this way? They are not. They are claiming membership in a fan base. This is a phenomenon not of patriotism, but of boosterism or a kind of team spirit, e.g., like showing and wearing the University Notre Dame’s colors and logo. (These, by the by, are closely guarded by copyright so that the myriad tchotchkes and garments sold to fans will swell the University’s revenue.) On football weekends N.D. fans mob the University Store and carry out large shopping bags filled with Notre Dame stuff for themselves and the folks at home.

I do not know of any occasion or place from which people stream out carrying bagfulls of American flags, tchotchkes adorned with the flag, and clothing of red/white/blue plus stars for every part of the body. But just search online under red, white, blue caps, T-shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, pants, swim trunks, swimsuits, and red, white and blue bikinis, snowsuits for babies, and red, white, and blue shoes. And, of course, American flags of every size, shape, and material are available in quantity from numerous vendors online or at home. 

Then have a look at the respect and care with which real patriots are expected to regard and handle the flag as described in U.S. Code, Title Four, § 8.Respect for flag (online at www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8). Real patriotism, love of country, requires observance of these regulation and rejects the exploitation and vulgarization of our national emblem.

The words patriotpatrioticpatriotism are misused in the United States to camouflage nationalism, jingoism, male chauvinism, white supremacy, xenophobia, self-justification. Our ad-man President routinely abuses these terms, as do most right-wing parties and organizations. It is time to take the flag back from the hucksters and to take patriotism back from the anti-social and the reactionaries. 

29 IX 2020: Who will control Amy Coney Barrett’s vote

Assuming the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, I’ve been thinking about who will control her vote. She’s been an extra good and smart little Catholic girl, and her career shows that she much prefers submission to opposition. 

First: Amy better be prepared to do what her husband, Jesse, tells her. The sect to which she belongs that is called People of Praise declared: “We follow the New Testament teaching that the husband is the head of the family, and we have patterned our community on this New Testament approach to family life.” 

Here are some of the New Testament teachings on which the People of Praise claim to base its patriarchal ethos and organization.

1 Cor 14:34:  

Women should keep silent in the churches, for they are not allowed to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says.

Eph 5:22-24:  

Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of the church, he himself the savior of the body. As the church is subordinate to Christ, so wives should be subordinate to their husbands in everything.

Col 3:18:  

Wives, be subordinate to your husbands, as is proper in the Lord.

Second: It goes without saying that Amy better be ready to do what the People of Praise tell her. The People of Praise is a sect, and forms of coercion, including theats of exclusion, that sects employ to keep members in line might be assumed to be operative in this group. What if Amy’s legal opinions conflict with the People’s patriarchal hard line. Will they expel her from the society?

Third: Though a member of P. of P., Amy is a very public and obedient Roman-Catholic. Now the Catholic Church has rather unbending principles about distribution of wealth, about militarism, about the death penalty, about racial equality, about the family, about sexuality, about the right to life “from conception to natural death.” It hardly needs to be said that American popular and political morality are quite opposed in many respects to Catholic social teaching. What will Amy do when a conflict between the two moralities arises? Will she overlay the teachngs of the Church on the country’s laws, i.e., will she find this or that illegal or unconstitutional if it runs contrary to a Catholic point of view? The Church too can be quite coercive. Reactionary and Republican Catholics routinely howl for the excommunication of those in public life who are Catholics, but depart from the patriarchism that is the religion of the Catholic Right. Is Amy Coney Barrett ready to stand up to the Catholic establishment that has cossetted and celebrated her over the years? I guess we are going to find out.

26 IX 2020: Jim Jones and Donald Trump

Back in 1978, the Rev. Jim Jones ordered his cultists in Jonestown to commit “revolutionary suicide” by drinking Flavor Aid laced with cyanide. Mass suicide or mass murder, this brought about the deaths of some 900+ men, women, and children, 70% of them black.

In 2020, another cult leader, Donald Trump, refused to warn his country about COVID19 and lied to his country for months about the gravity of the threat it posed. Instead of setting an example of responsible cooperation with the public health authorities, he refuses to wear a mask and ridicules those who do. 

Trump’s lies about COVID19 were, of course, believed, are still believed by the members of his MAGA cult. Trump’s contempt for masks encouraged the self-destructive “anti-masker” movement that is undermining efforts to bring the virus under control. Whether you call it nonfeasance or criminal negligence, his self-serving behaviors have contributed to the deaths of 200,000+, a disproportionate number of them black.

26 IX 2020: Trump, new head of oathbreakers

Trump has announced that he will decide who has won the election. He has declared that he will not accept the results of the election. He swore to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, but he’s making every effort to destroy it.  Trump has made clear by his refusal to obey the law his inability to take the oath of office.