30 X 2021: Stop buying junk!

I read in this morning’s paper that the Halloween and Costume business association has reported that the American people have wasted ten to eleven billion dollars this year on Halloween candy, costumes, and decorations. That’s $10,000,000,000+. If taxes were raised enough to bring in an extra $10,000,000,000+ that could be used for infrastructure, to relieve poverty, to improve health care, or education, these same spendthrifts would wail like banshees. 

What we might call the “holiday industry” has used cheap imported goods to pump up expenditure on holidays that have lost any meaning they once had. This has been facilitated by the out-of-control materialism of Americans, who must acquire, acquire, acquire, even though they are doing so for no reason, even though what they are acquiring is cheap and ephemeral. Next there’s money to be made from Thanksgiving decorations, cardboard turkeys, pilgrim costumes, and the like. And then comes Christmas. And will we be ready? The glut of container ships from the Orient that are backed up at American seaports might check the flow of presents and thus “ruin Christmas.” Indeed, I’m surprised that right-wing entertainers have not claimed that this interruption in the flow of stuff is part of the supposed War against Christmas!

Shouldn’t we have a “don’t waste your money on trash” movement? It may be too late, it may be that Americans are, by their own inclinations and indoctrination by business interests, so addicted to the uninhibited acquisition of things that they cannot stop.

29 X 2021: The new Moloch

In view of the stubborn refusal of parents to be vaccinated and to allow their children to be vaccinated, a friend wondered if parents have ever before been so careless of the well-being of their children. This question brings to mind the ancient cult of Moloch wherein parents would offer their children as human sacrifice to appease that savage deity.

Why won’t parents be vaccinated, won’t allow their children to be vaccinated? One could imagine some rare cases in which arcane religion might forbid vaccination, but I hardly think that it is spirituality that is driving this current revolt against common sense and good citizenship. Most parents behaving in this way are doing so as a sign of their loyalty to Donald Trump. He refused to take COVID19 seriously, and set the pattern for all his followers. He and his administration lied about the danger of COVID19, and contributed to the deaths of 742,000 (and still counting) Americans. His flippant attitude towards COVID19 continues to be the model for the attitude of his slavish mimics in the cult of Trump.

Why won’t they allow themselves to be vaccinated, thus putting themselves and all around them at risk? Why won’t they allow at least their children to be vaccinated, so as to protect their children and their children’s schoolmates from deadly disease? They refuse because they view cooperation in the national effort against COVID19 as a betrayal of Trump, or fear that others of the other Trump cultists would view them as traitors. Parents are ready to sacrifice their children to the Moloch that Trumpworld has become.

28 X 2021: Jeffrey Clark; miscellaneous trash.

News reports that Jeffrey Clark, the Trumpian mole in the Justice Dept who conspirted with the Great Deceiver and others to undo the results of the last election, has got himself a new lawyer. I surely hope that he needs one, for this thoroughly corrupt man tried to destroy our democracy and should be put on trial, and that very soon.

Viewed footage of AG Garland testifying before Senate committee about the memo he had issued urging that attention be given to the attacks and threats made against school board members, teachers, etc., by ignorant parents. The Trumpublicans made a big fuss about it. Sen. Marsha Blackburn embarrassed herself thoroughly as she tried to misrepresent the memo and Ted Cruz spoke up in defense of giving the Nazi salute at a school board meeting.

The same footage contained images of people menacing and threatening school board members with warnings like “We know where you live!” The people doing the menacing and threatening did not impress me as responsible parent types or concerned citizens, but as pitiable people duped through their ignorance and driven by their animal passions. 

TRASH! No one will say it, many won’t admit thinking it, but I’m afraid that “trash” is the appropriate epithet for these and a large part of the Trump base.

25 X 2021: “good old days”

I read that Trump is surprised and angered by Fox News’ running adverts that are not supportive of him. Here’s a quotation from the story on HuffPost: “What good is it if FOX News speaks well of me when they continually allow horrible and untruthful anti-Trump commercials to be run — and plenty of them,” Trump said in a statement. “In the good old days, that would never have happened and today it happens all of the time.” 

Trump should have realized that FOX News is not about Donald Trump, but about making money and doing whatever is necessary to make it. But what struck me most about Trump’s thunderbolt was “In the good old days, that would never have happened ….” 

To what “good old days” is he referring? Stalin’s U.S.S.R., Hitler’s Third Reich, Mussolini’s New Rome? In those regimes nothing whatever could be published that was insufficiently supportive or, heaven forbid, actually critical of the absolute rulers of these regimes.

Trump often speaks of the “good old days” with no specificity at all when addressing his believers. I believe it then means something like “when we ran things,” “when we were in charge,” “when they knew their place,” and so on. But I think that in this case, by “good old days” he means an imagined time in the past or in the future when the Dictator always had his way.

21 X 2021: Bannon

They want to put Skid-row Steve in jail for a while to see if forced fasting from booze and drugs will make him more talkative. But unbeknownst to the Left, in the last summer Donald Trump was ordained as a minister of the Yesterday Saints church, and so Stevie is planning to claim that his conversations with Rev. Trump are under the seal of confession. A long shot, but what the hell, anything is worth a try.

15 X 2021: Let’s take a shower

Donald Trump recently assured assembled Republicans that he is “not into golden showers.” Trump can speak for himself, but as for the Republicans, Trump has been pissing on them for 4+ years and far from objecting, they seem to have grown accustomed to it and some of them really seem to enjoy it.

11 X 2021: Jack Cade

In Henry VI Part Two, Jack Cade and his mob of Kentish peasants capture Lord Say, the Lord High Treasurer of England, for whom they held an intense hatred because they had been convinced by misinformation that Lord Say was to blame for the loss of English territories in France. And so, directed by Jack Cade, the demagogue who wants to be king, they put him on trial. Cade accuses Lord Say of a catalogue of supposed crimes, among them:

… Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm in erecting a grammar school; and whereas, before, our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally, thou hast caused printing to be used, and, contrary to the king, his crown and dignity, thou hast built a paper-mill. It will be proved to thy face that thouhast men about thee that usually talk of a noun and a verb, and such abominable words as no Christian ear can endure to hear. …

When Lord Say attempts to address the mob he only does himself more harm:

Say:     You men of Kent,–

Dick:   What say you of Kent?

Say:     Nothing but this; ’tis ‘bona terra, mala gens.’

Cade:   Away with him, away with him! he speaks Latin.

I am reminded of recent events in the United States. Donald Trump makes a very good Jack Cade, and Cade’s charges against Lord Say both display and incite the ignorance and unreason of their followers.

7 X 2021: Tucker Carlson

I received today an email sent to alert readers to the danger posed by Tucker Carlson, described as “the most dangerous demagogue since Donald Trump.” The notice focused on Carlson’s espousal of the “white replacement theory.” The theory is absurd, but it is a dandy BIG LIE that can delight xenophobes and racists by giving them a reason for their misdirected resentments and will increase those resentments very considerably.

Tucker Carlson calls to mind a remark by, if I remember correctly, Albert the Alligator: “That’s what you gets when you invites a pig into the parlor.” It is Carlson’s porcine qualities that give him so great an appeal with the “Trump base.” They feel that he is no better than they are and so will not “look down” upon them. The perception that he is “no better than they are” is created by his assuming a persona not unlike the persona assumed by people like Trump or Josh Hawley: down-home, good-old-boy, old-timey, straight talk masking vast cynicism and overweening ambition.