25 V 2022: America’s gun-cult

 It would be toilsome to compose a list of all the plagues that are hastening the ruin of the United States of America, though many come instantly to mind: the plutocracy of oligarchs, gullible materialism of the many, deterioration of public education, blatant and effective demagoguery, the welfare-state, the world’s largest prison system, intractable racism, aggressively resistant patriarchy, entrenched misogyny and homophobia.     

A recent event, however, demands a focus on a vice almost peculiar to the American empire, the cult of the firearm. The slaughter of 22 students and teachers at Uvalde TX by one heavily-armed late adolescent has evoked, in addition to fright, fatigue, and disgust, the usual “thoughts and prayers,” vague calls for firearm reform, and ensuing warnings from panderers on the right that we should not be carried away by some passing horror and grief to enact legislation that might endanger our “gun rights.”     

“Gun rights”?!? No, not gun rights, but GUN CULT. The ownership and abuse of firearms in the United States are so widespread that the United States can scarcely be considered s a civilized country. Gun manufacturers, demagogic politicians, judicial ideologues, fear-mongers of all sorts have combined to turn these ill-defined “gun rights” into a cult founded on the American male’s Peter Pan syndrome and profound sexual insecurity. This cult serves its exponents in many ways: keeps the factories of “merchants of death” humming, rallies gun-crazed one-issue voters, invigorates racism and xenophobia, and perpetuates a fantasy America of individualists so primitive that they need weapons to defend themselves against one another.

Dismantling of America’s gun cult is going to require a lot more than fine adjustment of the firearms regulations. This cult is only a part of a much larger network of primitivist thought and instinct, the influence of which has lately increased so notably. But though only one part, it connects with so many other faults of our society that our success or failure to curb the barbarous firearm cult will provide a very good barometer for predicting the survival or collapse of the American Empire.

21 V 2022: Putin is using Hitler’s playbook

No, I’m not referring here to the many parallels between the countless atrocities that are part of the Putin Army’s tactics and the identical methods pioneered by the Army of the Third Reich in Ukraine 80 years ago. What I mean is the parallels between Hitler’s and Putin’s command and leadership styles. These can be conveniently indicated through a diagram:

A) Hitler has an ex-private’s contempt for his generals.                  

B) Hitler fires or executes generals who do not agree with him. 

C) Hitler assumes the sole authority to make military decisions, even tactical ones.

D) Hitler has his war-room in the Führer bunker in Berlin.

E) Hitler shoots himself.

compared to:

A) Putin has an old KGB man’s contempt for the military.

B) Putin fires the generals the Ukrainians have not already shot.

C) Putin assumes detailed direction of his army.

D) Putin takes refuge in a deluxe, nuclear-proof cavern in the Urals.

E) Putin wonders what to do next and ….

13 V 2022: Another barbarian invasion

Colonel General Alexander Zhuravlyov is repeating in Ukraine the use of Smerch cluster rockets with which he terrorized civilians in Syria when he was on loan to Bashar al-Assad. Putin, following his instinct to amplify atrocity, has brought Colonel General Zhuravlyov home to repeat what he did so well abroad.

It is generally said that the Russian propensity for brutal land-grabbing is due to its conquest and 300-year occupation by the Mongol hordes in the 13th-16th centuries. So, like an abused child become an abusive adult, Russia keeps renewing the cycle of its own abuse in its relationships with its weaker neighbors.

The seizure of Crimea, the invasion of Ukraine, and other displays of barbarism yet to come are parts of the unending sequence of attacks by an uncivilized horde from the East, and Putin is playing the role of Batu Khan. I hope Russia’s current behavior will make the world realize that Russia is not a nation-state, but an unregenerate horde, and that it must be treated as such.

11 V 2022: No more pills?

Today’s Huffpost reports that some of the more dim and ambitious Republicans are talking about using their illegally obtained control of the Supreme Court to eliminate the Federal guarantee of access to contraceptives established by Griswold v. Connecticut of 1965. Amanda Terkel observes in today’s article: “ … if Republicans get what they want ― an overturning of Griswold ― it would kick the issue back to the states and open the door to restrictions or bans on birth control methods, because there would be no federal guarantee of access.”

White male reactionaries and the demagogues that pander to them have a long tradition of preference for wanting to keep issues like slavery, female suffrage, evolution, school segregation, etc. down at the state level where they cannot be compelled by federal law to do what is right. 

I don’t know what could prevent this overturn. It might be necessary to reduce the number of Catholics on the Supreme Court, for Catholics in the male-supremacy museum that gave us the Court’s current College of Cardinals still maintain that birth control is contrary to divine law, natural law, and, if they could have their way, contrary to state law. But how could the number of Cardinals on the Court be reduced? It would require mobilization of all who are disgusted by the growing power of the reactionary oligarchy to create the political energy to impeach Clarence Thomas for unethical behavior, and Samuel A. Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil M. Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett for lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

9 V 2022: Cardinal Alito, a questionable justice, for sure a reactionary politician

The College of Cardinals of the U.S. Supreme Court chose one of their number to write up an opinion that they have been working on since 1973. Politeness requires that we call Justice Alito’s work a draft opinion, however it is not a judicial opinion, but a political manifesto. It is awash in contempt, contempt for modernity, contempt for women, contempt for democracy, and contempt for common sense. 

Inter alia: 1) He offers the fascist-friendly view that so-called rights not mentioned in the Constitution are not really rights. 2) He cackles that a “tradition of prohibiting abortion on pain of criminal punishment persisted from the earliest days of the common law until 1973.” 3) He argues that freedom of choice is not rooted in the Nation’s History and Tradition.

As to #1, Alito’s understanding of the Constitution means that America is “married to a corpse,” to something dead, that cannot grow, but only decay.

As to #2, Those heroes of jurisprudence whom he cites with such approval lived at a time when petty theft was a hanging offense. Sir Edward Coke even wrote a vigorous defense of hanging, drawing, and quartering, the traditional penalty for treason. 

As to #3, Alito invokes “tradition” as if he were a member of the papal curia. Much that is traditional is now forbidden. The United States has an unbroken tradition of black slavery until 1865. We had an unbroken tradition of school segregation until 1954. We have an unbroken, still flourishing tradition of marginalizing non-whites. Our application of law to women continues an ages-old tradition of restriction and exclusion. So, universal suffrage is not rooted in the nation’s history and tradition, but slavery, colonialism, imperialism, racism, and male supremacy most surely are.

9 V 2022: Slave states, free states, again?

Abraham Lincoln quoted Mt 12:25 to the Illinois Republican State Convention in 1858, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” and made himself quite explicit in the next sentence. “I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.”

It is quite clear that the United States is again becoming half slave and half free. I have seen maps that result from attempts to predict which states will deny the right to abortion and which maintain it. It is easily prediccted that legislatures in the former slave states as well as in some former free states will forbid abortion in order to secure for themselves the anti-abortion vote. 

Whether the United States can endure for any length of time under this division is open to question. For in time there will be, I think, a significant emigration from slave states to free states. This will leave the primitive states more primitive still and add to the dynamism of the free states, for these migrants will be the type of people who seek to build rather than to rule their communities. 

6 V 2022: American democracy is defenseless

I am beginning to believe that our American democratic government is defenseless against those who would destroy it from within. Marjorie Taylor Greene lied like a trump at the court proceeding about her potential ineligibility to run for public office because of her involvement of the Rebellion of January 6. She claimed that she did not remember a long series of her actions that put her at the heart of the Rebellion — “I don’t remember.” Who could question that answer? After all, she alone knows what she remembers. This is strictly speaking true. But the court failed to take into account all the evidences in addition to her testimony that indicate that she did what she is alleged to have done and remembers it quite well. She perjured herself with absolute impunity.

The members of the College of Cardinals on the Supreme Court gave designedly evasive answers to questions about Roe v. Wade during their confirmation hearings, and were allowed to get away with it. They perjured themselves with absolute impunity.

Rudy Giulliani, like others of the criminals around Donald Trump, refused to respond to a subpoena from the Jan 6 Committee. Maybe Rudy takes lying under oath more seriously. Will the committee seek to have him declared in Contempt of Congress? They may, they may not, and even if they do, the DOJ will see to it that he will be dead before he is made to answer for his Contempt of Congress.

I want to know if our governmental system is itself flawed in ways that make it so vulnerable. Or, if the governmental system is sound, have the American people become so self-centered and indolent that they have betrayed our governmental system?

3 V 2022: At Supreme Court, the fix is in

Leaked documents give additional evidence that the Catholic faction has turned the Supreme Court into the College of Cardinals. They have their package for the right diehards ready to go, wrapped, sealed, and awaiting delivery. How many of these Catholic justices gave assurances to the confirmation committee that they would stick to the law in the event of a clash between the law and their religious convictions? And how many of them perjured themselves in saying this?

30 IIII 2022: Report of a Trump Rant. Boebert a whisper of reason?

Have a look at CNN today for a couple of reports of Trump’s psychotic fits at the time of the Black Lives Matter riots. We laugh at the Hitler Rants parodies on youtube. Are we one day going to see Trump Rants as well? 

We are so LUCKY that Trump’s insanity did not do more damage to our country. And how much damage is his mental illness continuing to cause through the Republican Party and the MAGA-nuts around the country? These people are like a family whose father routinely gets drunk and savages everyone but are unable to admit to themselves and to others how much of an absolute menace he is.

Then there’s a story originating in Politico, but now appearing passim, about a violent clash at the last “Freedom Caucus” meeting between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert about Greene’s gig at a White Supremacist rally. Greene is claiming she did not know that the organizer of the rally, an old buddy of hers, is a white supremacist. I’m really surprised Marjorie actually remembers having spoken at the rally. I wonder. Is Lauren upset because Marjorie upstaged her by showing up at a more extremist rally, or is she genuinely concerned about the damage Marjorie’s consorting with semi-criminals might cause to the right wing of the GOP.

28 IIII 2022: Pray to whom? for what? and why?

I see that Thursday, May 5, is supposed to be the  2022 National Day of Prayer. This Day of Prayer may be announced in a Presidential Proclamation, but it is being run https://www.nationaldayofprayer.org. At their website you can visit their store where you will find for sale a variety of tee shirts, polo shirts. mugs, totes, and caps, all the Armor of God of mega-church religion.

The theme of this year’s Day of Prayer is “exalt the lord, who has established us based on Colossians 2:6-7 NASB.” I was puzzled when I looked up Col 2:6-7 in the NASB, for it reads: “Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.” I suppose this year’s theme is derived from “established” (bebaioumevnoi). Of course, “Established,” taken out of context, can have a variety of meanings. So I want to know: “Established” in or upon whom or what? I’m guessing that, as used here, in connection with the American National Day of Prayer, who has established us is intended to mean “who has made us the Establishment.”

There is another, considerable ambiguity in the theme. Who, exactly, is “the Lord”? Oh, well, everyone knows that. The God of Christians is the same as the God of feminists is the same as the God of Muslims is the same as the Gods of the Hopi is the same as the Gods of Hindus is the same as the God of the Rastafarians is the same as the God of the Sikhs is the same as the God of Jews, etc., etc. Oh well, this is just good old-fashioned American syncretism at work. But are all these gods actually the same? I think that if you question these religious groups closely you will find that their gods are not all the same. But on the National Day of Prayer we are to treat “God” as an elastic term that good will can stretch to cover all the various notions of god, so that for this day they are all honorary “God.”

Why am I being so snarky about this? After all, no one is forcing me to participate in the National Day of Prayer. No, but by promoting a single “Lord/God” with decidedly Christian tinges they are trying to force me and everyone else to accept the implicit idea that “America Is A Christian Country,” for Christian hegemony in the United States is the principle underlying this “National Day of Prayer.”