14 VIII 2004: Blowing away the beast

Chapter 14 of the Book of Daniel in the Septuagint Bible tells how Daniel destroyed the Great Dragon of Babylon. This Dragon was adored by the Babylonians as a genuine living god. But Daniel obtained permission to try to “kill the dragon without sword or club,” and verse 26 reports: “Then Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and boiled them together: and he made lumps, and put them into the dragon’s mouth, and the dragon burst asunder. And he said: Behold him whom you worshipped.”

I wonder if we are going to see a similar end for America’s reptilian demi-god, Donald Trump. Maybe the current campaign is going to stuff into Trump’s mouth enough lumps of multi-racialism, optimism, respect for all, and generosity that he will be blown away along with those who promote his worship.