20 I 2020: Impeachment trial as emetic

Tomorrow the trial, but it’s not a trial, it’s a political process, blah, blah.

Tomorrow the trial begins, and I’m trying to figure out how to avoid it. I’m already disgusted. One might think we were having re-runs of the O.J. Trial. Even Alan Dershowitz has shown up again. I think Dershowitz must be the Rev. Al Sharpton of trials, appearing in the right place and time to stay in the public eye. Mr. Self-righteous Ken Starr is going to hold his nose and come out of retirement to help God’s anointed. Both want a part in the week-long soap opera extravaganza in which Trump will be the hero who controls all the others from afar. All we need is Rudy Giulliani coming out of a tiny automobile with a mob of crooked Ukrainians.

And the “jury”! For most Republicans currently in the Senate the common good is of little to no importance — their sole goal is to be re-elected. And for fear of alienating some Trump voters they have enslaved themselves to a childish vulgarian bigot. Trump and his myriad toadies make me think of Rudyard Kipling’s epitaph for a dead statesman of WWI.

I could not dig, I dared not rob,

And so I lied to please the mob.

Now all my lies are proved untrue,

And I must face the men I slew.

What tale will serve me here among

Mine angry and defrauded young?


6 X 2018: Kavanaugh, Trump, Senate

So now we have a perjurer on the Supreme Court, a compulsive liar in the White House, and a gang of con-men in the Senate. I guess this is the Devil’s Triangle.

Trump was ready, I’m told, to pay Dr. Ford $160,000 for her silence, but since the senators are on a retainer there was no need for Trump’s money. So the taxpayers have been boofed and must pay the bill. This is enough to make me want to ralph. And the show is just beginning, as Trump rouses up the misogyny and expansive ignorance of his base, many of whom like beer too.