24 VI 2023: What is Lauren Boebert doing in Washington?

Lauren Boebert told Sean Hannity: “Sean, I did not put my life on pause and leave my four boys and my now grandson to come here and just get in spats with people,” and she said “Marjorie is not my enemy.”

There are a couple of falsehoods in her statement. Ms Boebert came to D.C. for the very purpose of getting into spats with people. Getting into spats is what she does best. She enjoys spats. And spats get her a lot of attention, Lauren’s raison d’être.

For that reason Marjorie is her enemy, for Marjorie is the other Republican bimbo on the make. And Marjorie is a challenge. She is smarter and more articulate than Lauren, and her blonde hair gives her a great advantage.

I think Lauren should give up this fight she cannot win, go home to Colorado, and figure out why her 17-year-old son impregnated a girl. Her other boys probably require some attention as well.

23 XI 2022: How is Marjorie Taylor Greene a “true blood”?

MTG, as she is known by her intimates, invited another perennial liar, Juanita, to her house, saying: “We will call our gathering ‘Pure Bloods and Politics.” There has been some disturbance on the internet about her use of the expression “pure bloods” because it recalls preoccupations with the racial purity that is required for white supremacy. Her use of these words troubles me for other reasons also:

I assume MTG knows that she is a “pure blood” because other white supremacists have told her so or as a result of her test with Ancestry. But how can we be sure of this, and how does she know that Juanita is “pure blood”? Some fact-checking is in order here. We need to see the results of MTG’s Ancestry test or her KKK certificate, and Juanita must take that test or provide some equivalent proof of her “pure blood” bona fides.

Or did MTG mean “pure Bloods,” claiming that she and her pal Juanita are full-fledged members of the celebrated gang? That would be a truly historic achievement for Republican women.

17 X 2022: Victimology

Marjorie Taylor Green is claiming that she was a victim of the Jan 6th Insurrection. If MTG is a victim at all, she is victim of her own ambition and stupidity.

No doubt she learned to play the victim card from Donald Trump whose current complaint is that he is a victim of Jewish ingratitude. MTG is going through a divorce and will be free to marry Trump when Melania can’t stand him any longer, unless Ron Johnson gets to her first.

Ron Johnson is another GOP victim. He asserts that he was laughed at during a debate at Marquette University by some students who were “let in” to the audience. The students, he claims, are “being taught leftist propaganda,” and this explains their laughter at his claim to have been a victim of an FBI plot. No, Johnson is, as always, the victim of his own unfailing stupidity.

4 I 2022: “What does Margorie Taylor Green do all day?”

This is the title of an analysis piece by Chris Cilizza today on CNN. Mr. Cilizza’s view of M.T.G. is 

“Greene is a new breed of Republican Members of Congress. She uses her platform not to legislate or move up the ranks of seniority or even to befriend colleagues but rather to build her brand. And that brand is as an unrepentant defender of former President Donald Trump and his “America First” policies.”

I would say more. Green is one of a coterie of Republicans in Congress who will do anything to keep themselves before the public eye. They cannot achieve this by being good legislators, so they must resort to other ways of attracting attention. They remind me of bad little boys competing to see who can perform the grossest act, like pissing the farthest, farting the loudest, belching on cue, pooping on neighbors’ porches, and so on. 

But these “bad little boys” are not going to grow up, and it is up to the Republican adults in Congress to discipline and restrain them. But those adults are inhibited by their own slavish behavior and their acquiescence in the Big Lie, and so they are not in a position to tell anyone how to behave.

28 I 2021: Republican Party, a petri dish for demagogues

Speaker Nancy Pelosi rebuked the Republican “leadership” in the House for putting the infamous Marjorie Taylor Greene on the House Education Committee. Here is a quotation from the news report:

 …what could they be thinking?” Pelosi asked Thursday. “Or is thinking too generous a word for what they might be doing? It’s absolutely appalling, and I think the focus has to be on the Republican leadership of this House of Representatives for the disregard they have for the death of those children.”

Well, the Republicans in Congress are, in fact, thinking all the time, but only of themselves and about how anything they say or do might affect their chances of re-election. For them, it is indeed “all about me.” 

Ms Greene is both a nutcase and deeply cynical, with a long record of bizarre and indefensible statements. Her recent election was assured by the attractiveness of her lies to the conspiracy swallowing-proletariat of Republican voters to whom she has been pandering for years by signing on to almost any conspiracy theory that has come along. And Republicans are wary of alienating the bigoted, ignorant, and manic in the Trump base.

Embarrassment should be far too mild a word for Ms Greene’s effect on the Republican Party. Her presence in Congress is a damning judgement on the Party that has winked at and encouraged the delusions of the whole spectrum of the violent right. This kind of thing goes back at least as far as Nixon’s “Southern strategy” whereby he welcomed segregationists into the Republican Party.

Though Ms Greene’s documented statements from recent years should have made her an utter pariah with anyone of sense, the Republican Party has welcomed her into Congress and will now fight as mindlessly for her as they did for the liar Trump.