3 XII 2023: Should anyone care what Lindsey Graham thinks?

I saw a report that on CNN Sen. Lindsey Graham said of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin: “He’s so naive, I mean I just lost all confidence in this guy.” Old Lindsey is not naive. No, he is so sophisticated that, like Henry Kissinger, he would not hesitate to slaughter innocent people in order to WIN.

Why do they invite this flip-flop, security-risk, senator-for-sale onto television. Whatever opinion he says he has will soon change.

29 VIII 2022: Lindsey leaks

Headline today on Huffpost: “Lindsey Graham Warns Of  ‘Riots In Streets’ If Trump Is Charged Over Classified Docs.” I think Mr. Graham slipped in an interview of Fox and leaked the game plan of the Trump Gang. It will be a retry of Jan. 6.

19 I 2021: Lindsey needs an exorcist

I see that Lindsey Graham has quickly relapsed into his old degeneracy and is mindlessly boosting Trump once again. He lapsed and distanced himself from Trump for a moment after the invasion of the Capitol, but now he’s back playing this old role.

Again I have to ask: What does Trump have on Lindsey Graham? Charity suggests that maybe Lindsey lost his mind four years ago. Otherwise we have to wonder what would compel him to support Trump and all his works and pomps so slavishly, even to the point of making himself a golfing buddy and looking away from the Trump’s cheating also on the golf course.

So is Trump blackmailing Lindsey? I’m sure Trump would if he could. Or is it something even more compelling? Is Lindsey, like so many Republicans, possessed by a devil? In that case, we need to find a brave exorcist to expel Lindsey’s devil along with all the demons that possess the Republican Party.

9 XI 2020: Oh no, I was in the Resistance!

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has asked in a Tweet a very important question: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?” and predicted: “I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.” I agree. I believe we are going to see a phenomenon here such as occurred in France after the Nazi occupation during WWII. All kinds of people who favored and supported the Vichy regime claimed they only appeared to support Petain, that they never really liked the Nazis, and that they were in fact secret members of the Resistance.

My reference to Vichy France is not outlandish. Support for the Vichy government and the Nazis was not a political point-of-view, but was, rather, a collaboration with evil. That is how I view Trump’s minions and collaborators, like Rudy Giulliani, William Barr, Lindsey Graham, Matt Gaetz, and Ron Johnson., how I view the Republicans in the Senate and the Boys in the House. Those immediately involved in the Vichy Government would be analogous to Trump’s atrocious “political appointees,” figures chosen not for any competence they have, but only for their willingness to collaborate in the subversion of the government of the United States. Trumpism is not a political movement, but a pathology.

Some Frenchmen supported Petain because he promised to “make France great again.” Others backed Petain and the Nazis because they were vigorously anti-communist. They endured willingly the elimination of their civil liberties, rejection of France’s republican past, and alliance with a patently evil regime, an alliance that made them complicit in the slaughter of many patriotic French men and women and the extermination of the Jews. But agreement with the Nazis on one issue, the Bolshevik threat, somehow enabled them to overlook atrocities of every kind.

This too sounds quite familiar. Trump claimed to be “pro-life,” presented himself as a stalwart defender of “religious liberty,” and vowed to be a resolute defender of “gun rights.” Various groups, the myopic Right-to-Lifers, the pseudo-evangelicals who want to be the state religion, and the half-mad throng of gun nuts, were driven by their passion about these single issues to ignore Trump’s ignorance, his amorality, his and his family’s corruption, the corruption of all around him and of the Republican Party. All these American Trumpers, from senators down to people in the street, are responsible for the near destruction of the United States’ democracy. Continuing antagonism would prolong the Trump Era, but the American people must not be allowed to forget the irresponsibility, gullibility, and lack of a civic conscience of these people.

18 II 2019: Lindsey Graham and King Trump

The statements of the once prudent Lindsey Graham become in recent months an unrelieved series of deceits. Ever wonder what embarrassing information Trump has on him? Maybe he is just acting Republican, for the Republicans are like a weathervane with a pig, not a cock, at the top. Whichever way the pig turns they follow at once.