31 VII 2024: Josh Jerkoff

I see that Sen. Josh Hawley, winner of the fist-raise contest and the 40 yard sprint in the Republican House, is once again jerking off in public. Josh loves to act out the indignant bully, at least when he is on camera, and, of course, when he does this he is an embarrassment to his party, to his country, to everyone except the state of Missouri. 

Hawley and J.D. Vance are trying to make a career by appearing nuttier-than-the-nuts in their efforts to appeal to retro voters. This probably won’t come back to haunt Hawley, wannabe Führer of the Christian Nationalism party, as long as he runs for office only in Missouri. 

Vance, on the other hand, has not taken into account the potential media permanence of his crazy-right statements and is running into trouble. Vance has been called a chameleon, because his response to “What do you think, J.D.?” seems to be “What do you want me to think?” He has always paraded reactionary imaginings before the retro voters, and now he is learning how rational voters respond to them.