4 VI 2024: The final Fourth?

Again we celebrate the anniversary of our Country’s freeing itself from monarchical tyranny. I wonder if we will celebrate this feast of freedom again. Trump is in the process of claiming dictatorial power, and the forces arrayed behind him are awesome. White supremacists, Christian supremacists, male supremacists, money supremacists are all there, as are all the shifty, shady, and cowardly figures in American politics. The Heritage Foundation, the premier fascist think-tank, is anticipating Trump’s electoral victory by drawing up their Project 2025, a book of instructions for how to get rid of democracy. The hordes of WASPs, evangelicals, right-wing Catholics, anti-intellectuals, et al., who, left behind by the passage of time, feel that they have been somehow disrespected, are flexing their hatreds as they look ahead to Trump’s new monarchy.

The end of the American Republic will lead to the end of the United States, for victory will lead the forces of reaction to turn and rend one another, leading to secessions all around. We celebrate that the founders set aside their regional and political differences, but though set aside, these differences and animosities have not gone away, and a new Trump regime will show how much they are still with us.