4 III 2025: Won’t show no respect!

Mr. Zelensky is being generally attacked by all of Trump’s dick-lickers for being, as they see it, disrespectful to their King.

Well, no one had taught Zelensky, a courageous and honest man, the etiquette of the Regal Court of Trump. Kneel to kiss the ring. Look submissive and adoring. Never disagree with King Trump, let alone criticize him. Appear desperately attentive and awed. And show gratitude lavishly and continuously, all as exemplified by the Court Jester, J.D. Vance.

Problem is, where Zelensky comes from, respect has to be earned, by decency, honesty, and by courage and compassion, whereas in the Trumpian Court, respect is something phony, to be feigned and acted out on camera, apart from any reality. Trumpist ethics allows real respect to be given only to deceit, cunning, and corruption.