31 VII 2024:  Cannon and Thomas

Clarence Thomas has lost all credibility. He may not technically be “on the take,” but he surely is “on the take.” Can anyone now believe that he is capable of an unbiased decision? Similarly, his apparent protege, Aileen Cannon, may not technically be “on the take,” but she too has lost all credibility. One only has to ask: Is she stupid or crooked? And the answer seems to be that it doesn’t matter, for either would explain her behavior.

I would very much like to see some investigative reporting about the Federalist Society, a reactionary secret society. Yes. It seems to do much of its business in the public eye, but what can be seen is not its real business. No, it does its business with a wink and a nudge and a luxury vacation and the promise of advancement on the bench for those who do what they are told.