21 VIII 2022: Alvin Bragg, disastrous D.A.

Been reading about the Solomonic discretion of Mr. Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney. He decided, evidently without much reflection, to shut down the investigation of Trump’s thieveries and give Donald a walk. But then, more recently, he made one bad call after another in an over-eager prosecution of Mr. Jose Alba. Mr. Bragg has a lot of explaining to do already, and he’s barely begun his term in office. Maybe early retirement is in order.

7 III 2022: Could Alvin Bragg also be a crook?

NYC District Attorney Alvin Bragg has shut down the investigation of Trump & Co.’s financial crimes. He has been very secretive about this, thus failing to explain behavior that even charity would have to call questionable. My ever-suspicious mind grasps for an explanation. Did somebody get to Mr. Bragg. Who talked to whom? Who was promised what? What was used to threaten or entice and whom? Does Bragg care nothing at all for his credibility as a DA and as a lawyer? A District Attorney’s decision not to prosecute might in different circumstances be unremarkable. But this is about Trump who corrupts anyone he touches.