The giddy MAGAs are romping around D.C. like conquering barbarians celebrating their victory by mindlessly destroying everything and everyone they can, like, e.g., Russians in Berlin at the end of WWII.
For his part, their Beloved Leader is eagerly playing “Imitate the Great Dictators of Old.” Stalin and Hitler were compulsive about “retribution,” demanding vengeance for any real or imagined slights. These tyrants took special pleasure in forced deportations of masses of people, especially when this involved concentration camps, and Trump wants to do the same. Trump has created his own version of the Nazi SA with his pardon of Thugs of Jan 6th and is turning I.C.E. into his own SS. Maybe, soon the military will have to swear allegiance to Trump. For Little Donald, its election to the Dictators’ Hall of Fame or bust.