29 VII 2024: Nation of war criminals?

Bernie Sanders called a spade a spade recently when he referred to Netanyahu as a war criminal. To disagree with this you have to be living in as bizarre and make-believe a world as the MAGA crowd. Israel acts-out the helpless, innocent victim. They cry anti-semitism and predict a Holocaust re-run. Why oh why would anyone want to attack Israel?

People attack Israel because Israel attacks them. Israel is a militaristic colonist state that does what other colonist states, the USA, for example, do: they kill off or drive out the inhabitants of the land they want for themselves, all the while shouting “Manifest destiny” or “God gave this land to me” or “The white man’s burden.”

Why the constant unreserved support for Israel? It is based partly upon the perception that Israel is a democracy and an ally, however inconstant of the United States. But this unreserved support for Israel is, I believe, based mostly on the fact that the vast majority of Israelis look like us. If the vast majority of Israelis were brown like their neighbors, Israel would long ago have been told “Good luck. You’re on your own.”