22 VII 2024: Investigation. What fun!

Republicans, especially in the House, have dropped everything so they won’t be left out of a grand investigation of the attempt on the life of Trump. I know that they have to distract themselves with melodrama since they do no real work, but this is going to get well out of hand. These days, Americans can’t get enough of anger. Whatever happens must be someone’s fault and it must be investigated, that is to say, theatrical Republicans and right-wing mouths get to act out furious and deeply concerned. Ten members of the house wandering around on the roof whence the shooter got a bead on Trump! A demonstration of earnestness and concern and maybe a photo-op. Nancy Mace gets to make the news by using coarse language while brow-beating the Director of the Secret Service, whoopee! Speaker Johnson is planning a select bipartisan committee to investigate what we already know everything about. The attempted assassination of Trump will be more investigated that the assassination of Lincoln.