25 I 2022: And, of course, Newt again …

These troubled times have evoked another epiphany of the hypocritical, much-married, parasite on American politics, Newt Gingrich. He is not content to spend time doing penance for the great harm he has caused, although he converted to Catholicism, the religion of his third wife. Rather, he welcomes the opportunity to support his fellow fascists in his own nasty, bigoted way, like a Steve Bannon with a shave.

Gingrich was a pioneer in the New Shamelessness movement in American politics, and even after a discreditable, fly-by-night withdrawal from public office in 1999, he keeps bubbling up when troubled times provide an opportunity. Discredited right-wing politicians-turned-pundit are constantly feeding quietly on the periphery of public life, but they find a voice when they are trotted out by fascist propaganda networks in need of a talking head.  

Gingrich has been a malevolent presence in politics through all of his careers, and, I suppose, will continue to be with us until someone drives a stake through his heart.