Mr. Richard Spencer, President of the “National Policy Institute” and darling of the white-nationalist wing of the alt-right was today thrown out of the Conservative Political Action Conference. Spencer has been one of Donald Trump’s more energetic supporters, and his expulsion suggests that the CPAC is a lot more fastidious than Donald Trump. The CPAC should have been more tolerant, for without Spencer, there will be no one of prominence to lead the chant of “Hail Trump” when the so-called President addresses the Conference on Friday. Similarly puzzling was CPAC’s disinviting Milo Yiannopoulos because of some of his personal beliefs. But they can still hold their noses when they must, for they did not disinvite Steve Bannon, Milo’s former colleague at Breitbart and now Trump’s ectobrain. But all tension will be released when Trump speaks at the Conference. That will be a big event, bigger than Mayday on Red Square, bigger than the crowd in the Piazza Venezia, bigger than the biggest Nuremberg rally. Kellyanne Conway predicts that by Friday the CPAC will be the TPAC.