11 V 2023: Truth in advertising enforceable on Trump?

CNN made fools of themselves and did the country a grave disservice by allowing Trump to spiel his lies on prime time television. Did CNN think he would say and do anything different from his usual m.o? They knowingly gave free advertising to a habitual liar. 

The following is found on the Federal Trade Commission’s Truth in Advertising website: “When the Federal Trade Commission finds a case of fraud perpetrated on consumers, the agency files actions in federal district court for immediate and permanent orders to stop scams; prevent fraudsters from perpetrating scams in the future; freeze their assets; and get compensation for victims. When consumers see or hear an advertisement, whether it’s on the Internet, radio or television, or anywhere else, federal law says that ad must be truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence.”

The DOJ has failed to hold Trump accountable for his lies. I guess they don’t think lying in politics is real lying. But the F.T.C. promises to come down hard on lying in advertising. Maybe they are the ones who should prosecute the Archliar.